Comfy Seinfeld thread, whats everyones favourite episode and least favourite episode?

Comfy Seinfeld thread, whats everyones favourite episode and least favourite episode?
Parking Garage
>Least Favourite

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Favorite: The Betrayal
Least favorite: The Trip

good taste

Favorite: The Opposite
Least Favorite: Probably something from the first two seasons but I'll say The Old Man
Most overrated: The Soup Nazi

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I forget what the Trip is all about. I love anything having to do with getting the pilot though. Was that involving it?

I’m tired of pretending season 8 and 9 are lesser seasons. I couldn’t stop laughing at those episodes.

I think people just don't like how over the top wacky they got. George became a parody of himself.

>Least Favourite

>Most overrated: The Soup Nazi
filtered alert

it's when they're in LA. the pilot stuff (which I love as well) starts right when they get back to New York

Honest doesnt ring a bell. might need a rewatch

Oh I kinda get that but I don’t mind it as long as it’s still funny

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Not seeing it makes it funnier.

No, it doesnt

I went to clown school so I think I know a little more about humor than you champ.


That's it I'm reporting you troll.

Favorite: The Jimmy
Least: The Trop


Fuck you nigger, and stop streaming this garbage


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what is the season 11 episode 5 sneed moment of seinfeld?

Everyone always talks about Festivus but The Race is the better holiday episode


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how is it filtered if almost everyone loves it?

someone told me you get banned for saying you're going to report someone. is that true?

I dont think you understand what filtered means

you get a warning

i got a warning yesterday for saying that an actress had nice legs in a photo someone posted

Yeah remember when this was a Seinfeld thread and not a fag session