I didn't know lasers could split mid-travel and hit multiple targets

I didn't know lasers could split mid-travel and hit multiple targets.

Attached: laser split.jpg (1280x534, 58.31K)

who cares just turn off your brain lmao

Never heard of a prism huh?

Thankfully Science Fiction doesn't adhere to the normal laws of physics.


>split laser is still powerful enough to obliterate an entire planet within seconds

I'm not exaggerating when I say this is some of the dumbest and laziest GENUINE fanfic-tier writing I've seen in my life. The fact this was approved and featured in a multi billion movie production from a world renowned franchise made me want to forget I was ever into Star Wars as a kid.
I didn't see the last movie but wasn't there like literal tens of thousands of star destroyers in the last scene? What the FUCK is it with sci-fi writers and no sense of scale?

the most unrealistic thing about this scene is that 5 habitable planets are close enough together to be seen with the naked eye

Kylo Ren killed like 10 trillion people on planets we know nothing about and this is never mentioned ever again in the trilogy, instead they treat him as a redeemable character

That's fine, what's not fine is if there's no internal consistency of the world's logic. It's just magic, and a hallmark of a shitty magic system is that it follows no rules.

Wasn't the "I AM THE SPY" guy working for the Resistance? Did he seriously allow the deaths of quadrillions of people just to "own the nazis"?

The beam splits up in hyperspace by bypassing the compressor. Courtesy of czerka corp and glup shitto enterprises

And that they all happen to be visible from a completely different planet

To think, Rey all did this with her bare FEET... crazy talented girl.

This is honestly the worst "acceptable" thing in the st.
Like it's really stupid and makes no sense, but it can be excused for the sake of cinematic license since it doesn't really impact anything. Shit like Holdo's kamikaze run, on the other hand, is completely unforgiveable.

Tell that to kanji klub

>destroy Washington DC, NYC, SF.

Did you know tyat sub-hyperspace was the name given by members of the First Order to a hole in the realspace continuum through which phantom energy traveled? Unlike typical hyperspace, which moved across the galaxy, sub-hyperspace would move through the galaxy. The First Order's Starkiller Base was able to collect a form of dark energy called quintessence, transform it into phantom energy, and unleash it along a linear path through sub-hyperspace, enabling it to destroy entire star systems across vast interstellar distances in real-time. The Hosnian Cataclysm in 34 ABY revealed a strange side-effect of sub-hyperspace: the vast quantities of energy released by firing of the Starkiller Base had the ability to create a temporary rip in sub-hyperspace, allowing the Hosnian system's destruction to be viewed from across the galaxy as it happened.

>Dude earth isn't like that so NO solar system can be!!!1!
Have sex

He wasn't a spy at the start, he only switched sides in the last movie because Kylo Ren was mean to him.

Lasers aren't even visible in a vacuum.

That's because you don't know physics, you buffoon! You have to open a book and learn, impossible for a buffoon like you!

The weirdest thing is that when they were writing this, they said their concept of the First Order was if some old Nazis in Argentina had managed to build a nuclear bomb. Which made sense, and was an interesting inversion with the New Republic being the government of the galaxy and the First Order being a group of rebels

So, they nuked London and Paris, DC, ok, now what? It could've been interesting.


>dude the whole Star Wars thing takes place inside one tiny solar system!
>also if someone blew up Jupiter, you'd see it happening in real time!

how could we have known?