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>no one runs the clit like me!
>not this little fuck!
>NONE of you little fucks!


Gen x-ers almost died of laughter at that scene

Because it's hillarious.

Boomer humor

And that's a good thing.

a chick farts later and i almost died

Yes back in the day we had something called a sense of humor.

man sometimes i really miss being a pothead

And today you can watch tiktoks that are infinitely funnier than that shit. Unironically of course

Unironically I bet you can’t find a single one

>Would you like to suck my cock BERZERKERR??

Zoomers are cringe af.

I watched this the other night and "hey baby you've ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in a overcoat" was funny as fuck

>Joke is about a Gen Xer making fun of boomers for being out of touch and not understanding what a clit is
>Zoomer proceeded to pipe up and say he understands humor better than Gen Xers
I don't know what's funnier. Not getting the joke or being the joke while being dead serious.

when will you niggas admit kevin smith lives the life you all wish you could have?
>hollywood hills mansion
>smoke weed all day
>eat whatever you want [he eats bugburgers but you could eat whatever]
>go where you want, do what you want, money not an issue most of the time
>shill out for "geekdom"
>go home
>smoke more weed
>watch movies

>smoke weed all day

dude, no celebrity smokes weed
they have been pushing that shit as the norm to try to get people hooked on it and thento use harder drugs

wake up

Cope. Your “humor” aged like shit grandpa

>Zoomer proceeded to pipe up and say he understands humor better than Gen Xers
If you're a gen xer and you think anything kevin smith has made other than clerks, dogma and mallrats are any good then he'd be right

Every time I catch on a Kevin Smith live podcast, people absolutely DIE laughing at almost everything he says.

It's pretty weird.

then explain why his movies turned to absolute shit after Zack and Miri. the narrative is that seth rogen got him smoking when they were filming it.

hes just a bad writer

could it be some hypnotic phenomena? he has been painfully unfunny for over a decade. or are his fans really in their 50s now?

Xoomer Humor

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Could be but if you check out his twitter feed, it's filled with literally hundreds of sycophants praising his every word and commenting on how excited they are for his next project, regardless of what it is. I always feel like the most humorless person on earth reading his feed.

even if you didn't like his earlier stuff, if you have seen what he did after zack and miri you have to admit the vast difference in quality. even if it is bad to offensively shit.

Rules of the road.

Citation needed

gonna need a Snopes fact check on that