Typical re:View episode

typical re:View episode
>shlock nobody remembers or cares about
>jay laughing about something and then stopping when josh gets annoyed
>boring anecdotes about when jay saw it in theaters
>josh using his 'analysis' to say nothing insightful or funny
>josh makes sure to detract from anything remotely interesting jay might say
>make fun of the movie so much that you almost don't seem to like it
>make another dumb re:View video they need to fill a week slot
>you don't have to watch the movie so its easier to be a lazy hack too

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Jesus man just hide the channel and watch any of the thousands of others.

there's more than thousands, at least millions dude

Watch the ones you do remember then? Watch the ones without the fat glasses guy. You're just substituting friendship anyhow.

There's increasing bifurcation in Mike content and Jay content on RLM.

So, the rumors were true

I like all the Re:View vids but plebs always get filtered by The Wizard

I like Josh i just thinks he just repeats every point Jay says.

Why does he always know less about the topic than Jay? Even when it's something he clearly cares about, it's always Jay with the encyclopedic knowledge of the production and release of the thing, Beardfat just "it's interesting how the main character really doesn't do anything, that's a creative choice" and shit. Does Jay just drop the invitation on him at the last minute and he can't study up?

I think it's more a thing about Jay being more extroverted and talking a mile an hour.Josh is awkward and more the nodding kinda guy.

Outside of Ice Pirates they've only done well known films tard

Jay artistically researches everything and is glued to twitter all the time, Josh just wings it and believe it or not he's more based because of it.


Mike should slap around the both of them. It's supposed to be a comedy group. The moment they take themselves seriously they become obnoxious because they were never that intelligent in movie analysis really.

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I was done with Josh when they did that David Lynch trivia episode.
He spent that entire episode shutting down jokes. Mike would say something funny and Josh would go "No" he is basically a humorless but smug autist and a total downer.
Please, somebody, anybody, show me a video where he comes up with something to say that is funny and relevant or insightful or charming or anything good or positive

No Batman no watch.

When Rich Evans admitted in the Who Framed Roger Rabbit Re:View episode that he hadn't seen Chinatown, I finally realized that any RedLetterMedia opinion could be discarded. Evans is the co-host of one of the most popular YouTube film criticism channels, and he hasn't seen a famous, universally heralded Hollywood classic. This isn't one of those "artsy" movies that they make fun of Jay for liking. It's one of the best movies Hollywood has made in the last fifty years, with a screenplay that is usually considered the best. After Rich casually mentioned not having seen it and that he really didn't care to see it (and Jay just letting that slide), I knew none of them were serious at all about movies.

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Reign of Fire is one of my childhood movies, fuck you for baiting me.

meant autistically* fuck me

>he is basically a humorless but smug autist and a total downer
so, the average 4channeler?

So when's the Reign of Fire re:view coming out, shitfuck?

Rich is not a critic you fag, he's just a friend of Mike that was too based to to have around and it took a life of its own

self-centered dorks like that, only try to be funny as a means to elevate themselves as intelligent because they were supposedly too smart to be able to be funny and as a result ..they're not funny.

most of Any Forums would know what I mean since most of them are self-centered hateful cunts.

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already unsubscribed years ago

Josh is such and model example why you should left out reddit commies from your friend groups

He is just fucking dumbass who doesn't know he is borderline retarded

Leftard man child can never be based, being dumb is not cool

> I knew none of them were serious at all about movies
This is a catastrophically retarded take
Being 'serious about movies' lol have you fucking seen movies
fat kid