They're going to be airing at the same time

They're going to be airing at the same time.

Who's going to win? Which one will be talked about more?

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I'm a massive LOTR fan and (used to be) a massive GoT fan

I'm not watching either of these woke garbage shows

Rings of power
I think
I mean who gives a shit about got

LOTR will have more hype because even normies hate GOT now.
Couple that with the fact LOTR is an older franchise getting renewed.

Neither hopefully.

Only women, troons, redditors and soi negroes will watch any of these two heaps of dung

How about I'm watchin' none of them?

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>I'm a massive LOTR fan and (used to be) a massive GoT fan

>I'm not watching either of these woke garbage shows

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is that

LOTR brand is more powerful to begin with, and even normies hated the last season of GOT, so I'd expect LOTR to win

This, /thread.

>That nose on the right
House of the Dragon will be talked about more.

LotR will be talked about more initially because it's the first new LotR content in a while. Doesn't matter if it will be good or bad.

Regardless, nobody will be talking about both shows after a week or two.

House of the Dragon could be better than original GoT if the writers give a shit. It looks like it's all inter-family drama, which was always the best part of GoT. A show full of Lannister-style hijinks and grudges and backstabbings would be very fun. Their challenge will be making anyone care about the new characters, having a decent protagonist or two for the viewer to latch on to. I still don't know who the "main character" is supposed to be. Season 1 of GoT had Ned, then after he was gone, Jon and Dany and the other Starks. Who's gonna be sympathetic in this show? You can't tell from the trailer.

Who is that granny on the right?

If you offered me $200 to watch all 50 hours of Rings of Power, I would decline.

Galadriel is a better character than Dany2.0 or whatever the Hunter Schafer lookalike is playing so I will say ROP should be more popular on paper

not watching either but I will be paying attention to how well theyre received

I will pirate both so I can be part of the inevitable oh no no no threads

>Le registered Jewish face

Hopefully this slut. But rumor is she gets BLACKED.

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