Post ur fav actor

And anons make assumptions about you. I’ll start.

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interstate 60 is in my top ten films its just so fun and comfy also the cast is absolutely phenomenal

I am so sexually attracted to rick yune that I want to be his slave

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That’s a buff dude. You seem like someone who wants security in their life.

It has a lot of replay value.

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Also Jeremy Irons

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Unironically. I could also pass as his less attractive brother/son

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Favorite modern actor. Even though he’s a wokeist. Good looking is good looking. Ngl some of his acting, like in Boondock Saints wasn’t that great. (I just watched it cuz he’s hot.)

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You’ve seen a lot of kino in your life

Risk taker

Quick to settle for anything.

People pleaser, gets broads way out of ur league.

I want to kiss him

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He was perfectly cast as Felix in Casino Royale. Didn’t like what they did to his character in the later films but wasn’t the actor's fault

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>olympic athlete for US TKD team
>fucks white girls exclusively
gigachad if you look into his life

You like traffic lights, but only when they're green.

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