I watched SEA BEAMS

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I don't believe you

i seen sum shit yo

In trying to think if I've ever seen some crazy shit and I don't remember

all memes aside that scene has some real emotional impact, I not a sentimental person at all and I felt it
my sister cried and was tearing up for half an hour after he said that part about tears in the rain

Chillian Sea Beams? When did Batty go to South America?

like sands through the hourglass,
so are the days of our lives

>You've done a man's job, sir. It's too bad you're a replicant.

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Hey guys it's me, Decker the Replicant.
Instead of all the other replicants, they let me stay on Earth. Sort of like the one prototype, Rachel, except she works under the thumb of the corporation that created her, while I have this giant fucking fake backstory supported by a large cast of characters including real police.
Me being a replicant makes so much sense that the cops have to pressure me into coming back to work.
Anyway, I subsequently get my ass kicked in every single physical confrontation with every other replicant including the sex toy one.
Because I'm a replicant.
I must be, because enormous retarded pseud Ridley Scott hinted that I might be between bouts of huffing his own farts and spinning unsupportable bullshit yarns like Prometheus.
Fuck this and fuck you.
P.S. The unicorn was representative of the character who was like a beautiful unique magical creature (the dirty detective man)

I've seen footage

I have an uncle who rambles on about Nam this way. His PTSD is a trip.


tannhauser gate must have been a fish market

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Be honest, this entire speech was cringe except the part where he says like tears in the rain

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>Time to enter permanent rest mode
Powerful line

Boomers had no subtlety.

is the book BR is based on any good

yeah but its absolutely nothing like the film and actively mocks television

The frame rate shift when he dies pisses me off every time

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone
You shine it when I'm alone
And so I tell myself that I'll be strong
And dreaming when they're gone
Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home
Calling, calling, calling home

50 years later, that's pretty rough. Imagine having your life fucked permanently because your number on the draft came up.
Quality posts, three in a row.

yeah it's an incredible scene. nothing in 2049 comes close