/sw/ - Star Wars General:

Chad George Lucas vs Virgin JK Rowling Edition

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One of the best illustrations in Star Wars.

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Sounds based

the starwars generals are historically called /wars/

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This. It always sounded like she was out to punish the foolish question-askers.

>Finoni is saving Star W-

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Too bad. This is now a Rebellion thread.

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>wanting to see gay sex
>supporting trannies
>wanting diversity

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>killing trans people with magic
>gay wizard sex
decidedly unbased

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He fucked up so much, bros....
>Makes clones individualistic fags who have to be secretly brainwashed through cybernetics into killing the Jedi instead of flesh-and-blood "droids" that are loyal only to the Republic
>Knows he'll get massacred for butchering Thrawn, does it anyway after writing around it by making all Imperials under Thrawn's command braindead.
>Turns Quinlan Vos into a surfer dude who's never met Obi-Wan before the Clone Wars, completely ignoring their EU background as growing up in the Order together and going on missions.
>The Inquisitors as a whole concept were only ever handled well in a fucking video game instead of the actual media they were created for and were entirely jobber retards in their screen appearances.
>Muh one true OC Ahsoka who has literally no character development beyond "timeskip and an outfit change at least once a show" come to think of it Ezra did the exact same thing
>Kanan is only remembered well because he died and was otherwise a flat character.
>Completely butchered the Mandalorian culture, made Satine an ugly hag.

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There is a lot that can be said against Filoni.
>butchering Thrawn
>were entirely jobber retards in their screen appearances.
>Muh one true OC Ahsoka who has literally no character development beyond "timeskip and an outfit change at least once a show" come to think of it Ezra did the exact same thing
>Kanan is only remembered well because he died and was otherwise a flat character.
Those are real criticisms. However, the entire Star Wars EU was full of contradictions, people over writing others, people not caring what others did, massive character inconsistencies, ect.

If you are coming in and designing a show working along side Lucas you aren't going to care too much about what an EU author wrote for a soft-cover pulp book especially when most of those soft-cover pulp books were 3/10s at best.

>Completely butchered the Mandalorian culture
Clone Wars mando culture is more interesting than the garbage EU infinite army of badass Mary Sues.

How is the Clone Wars Era in general so kino? Is it because we actually get the large-scale battles implicit in a name like 'Star Wars'?

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I posted the Exar Kun pic and the Filoni criticism but not the meme pic

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It's because of the black guy with a purple lightsaber, he carries it through.

It's mostly because Lucas spent most time there, shaping a huge skeleton.

>mfw I will never have Naboo pizza with Jar Jar and Sio Bibble

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Hello family guy shitter, quit weed.

Cringe post and picture.
Wojak is dumb frog posting before the frog, you're an ancient retard.

>If the Sorting Hat detects a trans person it instantly kills them
Sounds Based.

Don't care

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because the huge amount of lore put into it is consistent and easy to register, unlike the civil war which is a clusterfuck, especially in EU

>EU fag

Get out of here with your fanfiction.

Legitimate question, how retarded are you?

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What a creative reply, generic retard#5124165123 copy-pasting from the rest.
Didn't expect less from a subhuman.

The superior version of Star Wars has arrived, untainted by rampant Filoniisms inserted under the guise of being the One True Heir to George.

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EUthanize yourselves.

its monday kill yourself

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^ cringe retard, didn't read

satine was hot

it's actually tuesday if you're not a goblin


>The light side and the BLARK side?!

It’s a long weekend, now say the line you fucking zoomer cocksucker you

This entire thread must be moved to

Reminder that Mace beat Palpatine according to George and Sam.

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>the SW hating schizo is back again

prequel era eu was much better than the OT era eu, thrawn trilogy is extremly overrated and only remembered because it revived the franchise and dark empire is cool but it never should have been canon, FACTS