Dude let's talk about trade politics in a kids movie lmao

Dude let's talk about trade politics in a kids movie lmao

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Kids were smarter 30 years ago, user. You just think it’s weird now because there’s no brown people saying quippy jokes every 30 seconds like in marvel movies.

Ok George

What politics? It had the senate going booo blockade booo senate. What's to get?

>"How do I indicate in a visual way that this character is evil?"
>"dude just give him horns and red skin like Satan"

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Meanwhile actual children love this movie...

Great writing, George. I can really see that a true auteur was behind it. Reminds me of Howard the Duck and other masterpieces.

who was the protagonist?

I tried watching TPM last night and I can conclusively confirm it is genuinely unwatchable. Prequelfags always wax poetic about how these movies are masterpieces but then you actually watch one of them and it's a big piece of shit for babies

The audience of the movie

John Exposition

TPM is trash, AOTC, on the other hand, is kino.

As a kid I actually wanted to know more about the trade politics of the situation. It was just a throwaway plot device. Why do Americans act like it was complicated or dry or whatever?

Padme, unironically

I just fast forwarded to the duel of the fates. What a terrible movie.

I was a smart kid in 2000 and I didnt get it. I still don't get it.

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>whiny edgy teenager with shitty love story and shitty dialogue
>for 2 fucking movies
no thanks. TPM is by far the most tolerable of the prequels. it actually still feels like a star wars adventure

Why do Americans view children as retarded toddlers? Kids start learning history when they turn 11-12 (at least in my country), that's the age category George made those films for.

It's an ensemble film. Now who was the protag for ANH? You can't say Luke, he doesn't even show up for the first 17 minutes of the film.

>Europeans watch a movie with magic space samurais for politics
Not a serious people

damn, the plinkett reviews really mindfucked you huh

well then you weren’t really a smart kid, now were you, retard?

Explain the trade politics without referencing any EU material