Coworkers start talking about movies and tv series

>coworkers start talking about movies and tv series

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because they enjoy it instead of over analyzing and hating everything?

When it happens on Any Forums you know you really gotta get out.

hi officer

This. So much this. Just let people enjoy things for Christ sake!

Edit: thank you so much for the awards, kind strangers. Best. Vasectomy. Day. Ever.

A coworker called me an incel and I just brushed it off and said shut up to them.

how's your wife's boyfriend doing?

Holy shit theres this one autist who spouts IMDB trivia and all the normeis eat that shit up. I always want to interrupt him and correct his mistakes but whats the point? Hes an autist

bretty gud i just mowed his lawn

d-do you work at a publix in sarasota



Kek, based and redpilled, those Redditors are so predictable in their lingo, cope and seethe. Thankfully we are unique and counterculture. Now what did he mean by this and what are some kinos about mass shootings?

Imagine being forced to interact with non-kinosseurs just to make a living. You seriously need to rethink your life.

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>mfw all my coworkers are alcoholic boomers dads who spend all their evenings watching football games

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I would rather talk about movies that my fucking job, and at least I get to talk about movies un like this shit board and thier bi curious tranny obsession

Wow you are so macho and masculine, a true man

nice sock puppets


>coworker talks shit about taxi driver and likes capeshit

My friends and co-workers most talked about series now:
1. Stranger Things
2. The Boys

Watch mojo should make a video about this or something