Defend this now

>Watches friend getting ripped to shreds by Scarlet Witch
>Does nothing

What did marvel mean by this?

Attached: 2022-07-18 11_11_26-Wanda vs The Illuminati - Scarlet Witch vs The Illuminati - Doctor Strange Multi.png (1657x695, 929.04K)

Black people are cowards

Richards and Blackagon were added in post. These 5 actors were never in the same room together and didn't know what they were supposed to be reacting to.

a coward would have ran away. what kind of psycho smirks at her own team getting killed

The thing is it wasnt Richard who was going to get his shit fucked it was going to be the other Thor's brother character. They didnt give a fuck about him because he was an asshole and rather use him as fodder or some shit. After screening Raimi had to reshoot the scene with Reed and the black dude dying. It looked stupid anyway

Her friends weren't in the beta version.

>didn't know what they were supposed to be reacting to
That's par for the course in all these cgi clusterfucks. You're still expected to make an effort

chadwick boseman keepin it lit af

>You're still expected to make an effort
How? No direction was given to her because that scene hadn't been written at the time they were shooting it. She doesn't even know how she's supposed to be emoting.

Fair but why leave that reaction in the final cut? Makes her look insane

Can this bitch act at all? Everytime I see her shes just bugging her eyes out and scowling, does she even talk?

The sheer incompetence that goes into the making of capeshit is astounding

Dey where?

Because they're lazy fucks. Anymore questions?

I thought Sam Raimi was our guy what's with all the reshoots?

This is how most blockbusters have been made since Gladiator was shot basically without a script and won Best Picture. They're literally just winging it day by day and then spending a fuckton of money on reshoots in order to duct tape it together. It's only more evident now that they're content to green screen everything and it looks like shit

Not only that but apparently the original scene had some Asgardian variant of thor(thor's brother or something) that was this huge asshole that nobody liked and was the one that wanda would kill which would explain why nobody cared.

is that the new james bond?

the entirety of no way home had this feel too


It's junk food user
Watch big people movies

>b-but it was a green screen
There is no defending this. Her friends get torn the fuck up and the bitches just stand there looking at one another trying to reach a consensus instead of acting which is exactly the kind of shit women do.

All it took was some kind of screaming "NOO" or "REEEEED!" and this shit wouldn't have been so cringe.

they were male

Defend her super speed

>>Does nothing
grin too

This man to my left... no my other left... this man has the power to stop you just by using his vocal chords! And if you somehow were to disable this ability, I would certainly lunge at you, for you see I am the smartest man alive. Fear not the other two women in the room, for we are a team in name only, they will wait their turn to fight you one on one.
Now that I've armed you with this information, please stand down.