I think this movie is pretty good

I think this movie is pretty good
as an uncharted fan i like it

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It was good fun, but it wasn't a great movie.

I liked the cameo clip i saw in my recommended

>Ok Tom, here's your chance to break out of the 'kid actor' mould and become a real bona fide star
>O-Oh, you're just gonna play him like Peter Parker? Ok then...
Dude was miscast from the start but he didn't even try to act like the game character

It felt rushed

The movie has a really weird grasp of what its audience is supposed to be. Holland and Wahlberg act absolutely nothing like their characters from the games, which isn't going to please the fans. Then you have a largely pointless scene where the heroes are talking to a random schlubby extra and then suddenly the heroic score from the game swells and you're supposed to realise that it's because the guy they're talking to is the Nathan Drake voice actor from the games (which nobody except extremely hardcore fans is likely to get).

The treasure hunting / puzzle solving stuff was really fun but some of the dumb set pieces and the relentless use of MCU humor set it back a lot.

A movie that operates under capeshit logic despite not being literal capeshit is still capeshit therefore is mediocre at best

uncharted more like dumb fart head

The story/characters of Uncharted are nothing special; the appeal of the franchise is that you, the player, get to feel like the Indiana Jones hero type. Taking away the interactivity and turning into a regular movie seems like a misunderstanding of why Uncharted is good.

>40% from kikes
>90% from the people
This is how I knew it would be kino.
I liked it and didn’t realize it was based off a video game until I heard some nerds talking about it after in the showers

I liked it. They should've kept it canon with the games by making Nathan and Sully know each other already. Also they should've done their own action set pieces and not take stuff from the games. But it was a fun movie.

The closeted gay guy had inverse chemistry with the Desi girl who was at least somewhat attractive. Sexless and with an awful antagonist to boot.
Just rewatch tomb raider

They should do a cut of the movie where they make Tom Holland really fat using CG: the Donut Drake cut.

it was ok until they found the treasure, ending was lame

The 'jumping from crates hanging from a plane' set piece was absolutely retarded shark-jumping (yes I know it's from the games; there's a big difference between playing this stuff and watching it) and it was fucking ridiculous that at the end the ships could be air-lifted and the fucking cannons were still functional.

It was incredibly bland and generic, but no more so than your typical capeshit that releases to great reviews

somewhat fun to watch. Terrrible casting
I never played the games.

Its an ok adventure flick. It’s a terrible uncharted movie. Holland will never sell me on him being Nathan Drake.

Best part of the movie was Nolan North's cameo. Fr fr no cap.

incredible movie if you need to be asleep within 15 minutes

the games were never particularly amazing or anything. people just wanked them off because they looked pretty at the time where people wanted games to start being taken more seriously. everyone who lived through that period probably has a little bit of animosity towards the uncharted games because they were the beginning of making games more about the set pieces and graphics over the actual gameplay being good. absolutely no fucking body liked uncharted for the gameplay because it fucking sucked. the multiplayer of some of them were apparently good but that doesn't excuse the campaigns being boring as hell and basically glorified movies.

>Uncharted fan
As an Uncharted fan I can't think of anything more pointless than a live action Uncharted movie.
And Mark Wahlberg is the least Sully man who has ever lived.