You're telling me no one at HBO hired someone to teach actors how to use firearms?

You're telling me no one at HBO hired someone to teach actors how to use firearms?
No recoil, slides, dudes "punching" their grip forward before they fire. Christ this show's depiction of firearms is one of the worst for a big name one.

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most people aren't gun obsessed lunatics, god i fucking hate america

No one but gun autists care about details like this. Jackie Jr’s death is the main focus

>what do you mean you noticed it in every single scene involving a firearm? NOOOOOOOOO STOP OBSESSED MUH K MUH K MUH K

They really are acting, for tv. Gun realism wasn’t a priority. That’s all there is to it

It's sloppy and laughably bad.

Imagine if every time someone was driving a car in a straight line they were spinning the wheel like a maniac. I don't think anyone would call you a car nut or cry /o/ if you called it retarded. That's basically how guns in sopranos are. Most movies/shows, really.

>dudes "punching" their grip forward before they fire
That's not unrealistic if you consider that basically everyone on the show is a retarded thug who very likely doesn't understand the proper fundamentals of marksmanship. The only possible exception could be Bobby because he's a hunter but you'd be surprised how many hunters don't actually know jack shit about shooting.

It's not really important. They were on a tight budget too, whenever they had to use CGI it looks terrible

It's a comedy.

I've seen maybe one time people playing a console video game normally. It drives me crazy, especially because the actors grew up with them.

It's just ironic considering how they dig at spooks for holding their firearms sideways when they're just as retarded.

No one fucking cares retard. That was the last thing on my mind during that scene

they couldn't even be bothered to use a real scale gun, that looks like a plastic toy I mean it's so small it's ridiculous

That's the point retard. They are retarded thugs who think they are above spics, blacks etc while doing the same shit but on a bigger (money wise) scale

Rent free

You have no idea how chaotic and slapdash filming can be. It's insanely complex and there is never enough time to do stuff.

This could have been the last shot of a multi-shoot day, they're already running over time, the union guys are all bitching and threatening to break down, the frustration is palpable, and the overwhelmed director just grabs the shot and goes "we can use this!" and that's it.

These productions aren't like Kubrick films with exacting detail, it's more about getting to "good enough" and moving on

Except its an issue that's in every season. So what excuse then?

The excuse is not everybody is as autistic as you and cares. I don't watch kino for "muh realistic gunz!" I watch it for the acting and story


Dude those macaroons Tony bought for his mother were obviously from a store and not from a bakery they looked too perfect this show is bullshit.

i don't think there's a single movie or tv show where a character's driving in a car and it looks remotely realistic

>filters by a gangster not being trained in fire arms
>He's telling me to cope

It's not glaringly out of touch, either. I'm not joking when I say most movies/shows are literally "spinning the wheel like you're on wheel of fortune while driving in a straight likne" tier when it comes to guns.

>acting like blatant retardism is minor nitpicking like this bait
Yes, cope. It's fucking shit. Every scene they manage to be fucking shit at it. It's a huge HBO show. Not your amateur hour cw trash.

Completely ruins the entire series

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>it was a huge hbo show
They had no where near the budget "huge hbo shows" have to day retard. Sopranos was the first show of its kind. Zoomer hands typed this post

it's like the prop designer looked at a glock 19 for a minute and then decided to do a blind replica

Post your age on your ID right now.

>completely unnecessary close-up of an obvious non-gun
Why'd they do it, bros?

This is the only bad gun scene in the show, all the other shooting scenes are fine.

>You're telling me no one at HBO hired someone to teach actors how to use firearms?
Could be worse, at least they hired someone competent enough to makes sure no one is going to kill anyone.

it is nitpicking, it doesn't matter, and the fact that it looks so comically anodyne is arguably a deliberate artistic choice

>its supposed to be bad

Has anyone tried the gun in fish method of whacking in real life before?

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You don't even own an ID zoomie. Not until you get your driver's license in two years at least

You now know there was a Hollywood gun and ammo shortage during the early 2000s, The producers of Stargate SG-1 used to bitch about it