Why is this movie so good? And why can't it be remade today?

Why is this movie so good? And why can't it be remade today?

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>remake Starship Troopers
>everybody is black or chink
>bugs are white
>sky marshal is a tranny
>society is shown as shithole

You know why.

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Because it has an almost all-white cast

no one wants it remade, what a stupid retarded idiot question

sounds based

It's good because it's a essentially a coming of age movie and it can't be remade because nowadays no one grows up

>tfw you try to make a satire that shits on chuds but you accidentally make an extremely based movie

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>make a satire
>make it look better than the real world

What did Verhoeven mean with this?

I'm doing my part.

First off your main character looks like a fucking chad

Even if it was straight up "These are the bad guys" flashing in neon lights you would pretend it didn't say that. Just like how Empire is based and Nazis are based or whatever edgelord retard shit you're winnin da infowar with dis week

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Carmen or Dizzy

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Carmen has the telltale "droopy at 30" jowls so dizzy

T. Asshurt tranny

Literally perfect.

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This was such a good fucking movie, fuck hollywood for making continues trash since the 2000s with CGI all over the place in every FUCKING MOVIE


Carmen's prettier but looks fade; Dizzy is a better gf and probably a better fuck.

service guarantees citizenship is a great system because it weeds out people like you

whoa a meem u won da infowar

Sure it does. Ur da based alfa. Pic related

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You fucking imbecile.
Dizzy best girl, that's not even a question.

Also, did any of you ever try to pull this t-shirt move on a girl?

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Well, for starters it works because, amogst other things, it parodies the “highschool/college romcom” formula (think beverly hills 90210) which was big in the 90s but doesnt exist anymore.

Not even in-universe.
Denise Richards aged much worse than Dina Meyer

>Also, did any of you ever try to pull this t-shirt move on a girl?
Totally. I do it whenever I have sec on a girl.