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ehehehehehe hey is meaningless ehehehehe

bojacktroons still writing tear-soaked essays to this day after this brutal beatdown

All those seasons just for it to conclude with "men are evil predators and you shouldn't like bojak!"

It's amazing how one brief moment sent them spiralling into a perpetual seethe.

Bojack is one of the great and most philosphically inspiring western animations of the last decade, if not ever. Family Guy is a dumb forced meme.



Bojak fags Eternally seething over 6 words. LOL

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Family Guy has this one writer who seems really intent on the show being taken seriously so they have the odd episode like the domestic violence one, the bank vault one and Stewie going to therapy.

yaaas queeen!

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Wow original response 10/10 you're a smart blok aren't you? See, exactly what I'd expect from a Bojack hater. Don't like thinking too hard

Why Bojak have 0 emmy then
Simpsons, South Park and Rick n Morty got more than 1.

Emmys aren't everything, do you need your opinion validated by everything? Huh? You're a dumb kid like that?

this is what got bojack cancelled btw

Literally Re*dit, the show. If the show was made but it was humans instead of animals, it would have been dropped after the pilot. Shitty little show made for Redditors to comprehend muh depression and muh life is meaningless etc themes but using cartoon animals to get it through their mentally stunted brains. God, I despise Re*ditors and this lame show.

>men are evil predators
Most of the characters aren’t
>you shouldn't like bojak
Congrats, you got the painfully obvious point of the show that was there since episode 1. Bojack is a shitty person and blames everyone else for all his issues and then spends all of his time whining about being depressed as if they should feel sorry for him.

Still got no emmy even getting pushed as the next big cartoon because Bojack is a FG tier cartoon but unlike the seth show will be forgotten in 5 years

I like bojak actually.

>its all bojaks fault!
>spends hours going over bojaks abusive childhood and spends an entire episode going over that he is likely he has undiagnosed clinical depression
>you're not supposed to feel bad for him btw!

The writers probably emasculated the creator into believing is a bad person

No no you d-dont get the show was always definitely about Bojak being an irredeemable asshole who deserves everything that he gets, the writers definitely didn't hijack the show with their self insert Dyane to shit on bojaks "shitty" behavior.
The writers also definitely didn't pull the fact that Bojak let Sara Lynn die out of their ass because they realised there wasn't anything groundbreakingly bad that he actually did.
isn't it also hilarious that their literal self insert was changed into being a fat woman on antidepressants

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