Will you guys at least give it a chance? Its not even out yet and you hate it

Will you guys at least give it a chance? Its not even out yet and you hate it

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Nope. Respect the source material or get fucked. Can't wait until this money laundering scheme is exposed.


no chance, sorry. Every show with diversity casting has been proven to be bad so far. Without exceptions. I don't see why this one would be any different. The casting choices reflect the mindset of the writers and showrunners and if they can't even get the easiest part right, then I can't trust them to get anything else right either.

I'll watch it ironically.

it's already corrupted in its intent
fuck these people

>Can't wait until this money laundering scheme is exposed.

No, fuck off shill kike. Kill yourself. Better yet, go out with a bang at Amazon Studios you subhuman monkey. In Minecraft, of course.

Why would I give it a chance, its a direct assault on me and my culture, they can fuck right off, cunts

As a rule, I don't engage in content made by people who fucking hate me for the colour of my skin

Ill probably watch it and if its good I'll post about it aggressively on here


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>Will you guys at least give it a chance?

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never 90% blacks, jews, minority casting

I watch it for she

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Her boyfriend is black. It's over morfbros....

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I don't care about casting, what's bothering me is that none of the promo material has contained anything resembling a plot hook.

Amazon seem to want to do what Disney tried to do with Star Wars: just have the good v evil conflict from the originals reoccur endlessly. every product is the plucky resistence vs the evil empire and it's going to be the same here. why the conflict is happening becomes irrelevant, it just has to keep happening for ever.

This and this. Besides, the values that the works of Tolkien are based upon are practically opposed diametrically to those of the company making the product. Am*zon's materialist globalists cannot authentically adapt Tolkien's spiritual and traditional work.

I'll (pirate) the first few episodes, looks like it's going to be typical aimless fantasy drek trying to shoe-horn in real-world idpol issues similar to Wheel of Time

no, I just hate blacks and don't want to see them anywhere

She has not bf atm, as far as I know
Just her dog (male)

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yes i will pirate this shit

I'll give it a chance, but I can't see it being any good.
Also has no reason to exist.

*She has no

Will give it a watch. Expectations are really low. Lesson learned from Wheel of Time.

No. I don't even like Lord of the Rings like that but I played Shadow or Mordor and found myself liking the lore of it, surprisingly. Celembribor was cool, that fuck-huge spider was a sexy bitch for some reason, the Orcs had varied and interesting personalities...shit was cool. Made me curious to dive into more of the setting. But not if the setting is going to be actively shit on and rewritten.

Then who's that nog in the video?

Yes. Yes as in no, I won't.

Why would I watch something made for the sole purpose of attacking me and my culture?

Fuck off and die, shill.

im not into cucked fan fictions

>I'll watch it ironically.
People like you are destroying society

Watch the Peter Jackson extended trilogy

Maybe, that main girl is fucking hot, idk who she is, also her amor looks fucking based too, will prob skip that black dwarf scenes and thats it

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Not interested.

It's going to be a slightly less retarded Shadow of War/Mordor type thing
I'm not even trying to say this as necessarily as a negative but that's the kind of this it will be

This is the s1 villain, one of the first elves corrupted by Melkor and is called 'Adar' meaning father, the other orcs he commands chant his name because they see him as the originator
He also hates Sauron, apparently

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>watching a show because you find an actor of the opposite sex attractive
woman tier