This is Star Wars in 2022

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The more bloated the Mandalorian gets, the shittier it'll become. Well... it was fun while it lasted.

don't forget the cherry on top nigga with an AK, I don't have it saved

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*Imagine* giving a fucking fuck about Star Wars in 2022, just fucking imagine.

How does the shell casing know to fly out the side but only after the bullet was fired?

>*Imagine* giving a fucking fuck about Star Wars

Is this the Mandolorian, or Ashoka, or another Star Was series?


>Is this the Mandolorian, or Ashoka, or another Star Was series?




The mods were bad yeah, but Mandalorians were always colourful

You're just used to seeing the blue deathwatch and nite owls, bobas green and Jango and Dins silver.

>Ah I heckin love Star Wars

There's a version that makes the bikes grey/black

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what gets me is they literally have the raddest fucking hoverbike design with the speeders from return of the jedi

It's dark sorcery only Asians know.

Remember when shows actually filmed on location? Oh wait, they never did that

It's also fucked up because in the biggest multimedia release for Star Wars, The Shadows of the Empire, with its novel and game, gangs on Tatooine are shown riding a similar kind of speederbikes like in RotJ. The swoop gangs of Mos Eisley are well known by the fandom. They are also way, way cooler.

Tatooine isn't filmed in the volume or studio. Direct sunlight isn't possible with the volume. They are filmed outside.

>How does the shell casing know to fly out the side but only after the bullet was fired?
There is a little metal hook on the bolt that hooks over the rim of the cartridge. It's called the extractor. When the bolt flies back, the extractor drags the brass casing out of the chamber. At a certain point the casing strikes another piece of metal called the ejector and that knocks the brass casing out through the ejection port.

I was kind of into Mando even with the Skywalker stuff at the end of season 2, but Book of Boba Fett I think ended any interest I might have had in Star Wars for good. I think I'll only come back for the video games from now on, but knowing Disney they're going to require I watch all the shows and movies to understand what's going on. God I hate Disney.

Thanks, fren