90 day fiance general

90 day fiance general
ngubu edition

Attached: 90740DBA-DF81-4D78-BB39-6D6E9E910D60.jpg (1920x1920, 263.88K)

What community did the friend just say has lots of Africans?

Columbus, Ohio


Ok good to know to avoid Ohio

damn, what did I miss?
Aisa's dad is in an adobe house lol

her dad looks like a typical favela nigger oh nonono

have these 2 blacks even had sex? seems like they've just been arguing the entire 90 days

When are those midgets gonna sell that farm?

They're Muslim, per-marital sex is haram.

I'm rooting for the bodybuilder dude from Texas. He seems like a decent guy

this fucking nigger looks like a fucking muppet

>how could this Muslim man possibly be controlling and angry
God she is fucking dumb

why does this mudslime sound like an affeminate homo

he talks like someone is stepping on his balls

He was a Micheal Jackson impersonator in Egypt.


This show isn't just about girls getting greenpasses/catfished?

Hasn't the Jewish goblin Ari been on the show for about 3 seasons? Why is she just barely talking about marriage?
I swear this show always keeps the garbage boring couples on.

It's show highlighting thr ignorance, and gullibility of the average American on the world stage. And there's usually a token "normal" couple thrown in

What's your opinion on midget son reproducing more midgets? Dude should be in prison for child abuse.

Yes, this is there 3rd time on the show. On their first 2 seasons the couple was living in Ethiopia. They decided to move to America on the current season. I wonder what the immigration laws are like in Ethiopia since Ari was living there without being married to Bini.


so OP is going to be a faggot and not post watch links?

All his siblings are normal height despite both parents being midgets. He probably thought he had a higher chance of producing normal offspring with a normal woman. Either way midgets aren't a burden on Western society unlike some demographics.

im the interim op, the real op is a faggot who didn’t show up

The white girl with the black men in this and the summer in paradise… any only fans pics? I like a pawg…

yeah its peak degeneracy

I think it's a new OP