What are some good films set in frozen or snowy regions, or heavily based in winter?

What are some good films set in frozen or snowy regions, or heavily based in winter?

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The Grey

To be clear, I mean the 1999 Ravenous. I haven't seen the more recent one.

McCabe and Mrs. Miller

Documentary kino

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The Edge

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Arctic is basically The Martian but with based Mads

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The 2015 Everest film. I expected it to suck but it was actually good.

Attached: Everest_poster.jpg (256x406, 92.81K)

Unknown Soldier (2017)

I wish that film was better. I want proper wendigo kino.

Runaway Train

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A Simple Plan
Vertical Limits

White Fang

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Dead Poets Society

Wind River

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Yeah it was fine. Not as good as the book (which the director claimed wasn't the source and he made it clear whose side he was on in the discussion) which is maybe the best mountain book ever written. Basically Everest version of The Worst Journey in the World.