Can't make good movies

>Can't make good movies

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the only brasilian movie i've seen is "O Homem do Futuro" and it was pretty good
time travel/romance flick

The Elite Squad is the most based movie ever made.

Name 1 (ONE) good movie of yours, americoid.

>ordem e progresso
>is undoubtedly the biggest shithole on earth
heh...thats how you subvert expectasions.

What does ORDEM E PROGESSO mean

order and progression

Olha cara, eu fiz esse fio para conseguir recomendações de bons filmes nacionais. Não sou estadunidense.

>Four pardo brothers must deliver ifood through the brazillian sewer systems of São Paulo so no one can know such ugly creatures as them exists

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rangeban brazil.

In less than a decade Brazil will be more stable than Israel’s bitch aka the US

Anyone got a cinegrid of pic rel?

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>what is city of god

Estomago e uma kino

City of God is overrated as fuck

>>Can't make good movies

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You're not wrong at this day and age (mostly shit "socially conscious" mediocre movies with a tv-level cinematography). But Brazilian cinema isn't dreck such as Aquarius, Medida Provisoria or Bacurau, here are some good ones, some currently hard to find:
-Elite Squad 1 and 2 ofc
-Red Light Bandit
-O Anjo Nasceu
-O Pagador de Promessas
-Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol
-O Patio
-Rodrigo Aragao's horror movies (Mangue Negro etc)
-Imagens do Inconsciente

so have brazilians made any good films in recent years?

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>>Can't make good movies

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Every brazilian movie is about the favelas or the northeast. Why isn't there more variety?

The fact that the media circles of upper class fags and jews cant even make a decent dumb crowd-pleasing sports movie or sertanejo movies and have to constantly make ugly subversive shit is a pretty indicative of how out of touch they are with common folk

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Most based characters ever made.

No except for the aforementioned Aragao's horror movies because there is a plague of leftoid mediocre directors with no talent in either form or content. This too shall pass

>the porn industry never got the primo tv sluts of the 90s like Mari Alexandre, Tiazinha, Scheila Carvalho

>only Marcia Imperator and Bruna Ferraz

it hurts

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good escorts tho

All Brazilian movies now are about tranny, fags and dindus
Truly decadent market

not true

There is a director called Ivan Cardozo who did great b movie spoofs of mysteries and sexy chanchadas with lots of beautiful actresses, worth trying to find his movies

It's Brazil, it's fine to have some nigs in it, but the point is it's always some socialist bougie fuck wanting to shock you and brainwash you

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