/sci/ is talking shit about you guys

/sci/ is talking shit about you guys

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Top in terms of what, budget draw? Everyone on Any Forums hates movies btw, hello /sci/!

its the same actors getting older?

why are zoomers so bad at acting? is it because they have no empathy due to tiktok induced brain rot?

idk even know what this is supposed to mean

The last march of the white elephants

Proves that culture died in 2007, everything now is a copy of a copy of a copy

I dont get it

it's over for cinema

There's no 'new' talent breaking out in major film/television productions. The youngest big-name stars are all Gen X and the vast majority are Boomers.

Millenials and Zoomers are getting relegated to working bit parts in perpetuity, just like every other industry.

What's not to get? the average age of leading actors is now 15 years older than it was in the 90s


There aren't any good young actors anymore.

isn't this good for men? means we can still fuck younger women.

oh, you see I'm really dumb so I didn't figure it out thanks user

then they'll learn to act

i thought the age of A-list star celebrity was over, this just basically proves that.

There are, it's just that no one's hiring them - just like everywhere else - because they'd rather dump all their money on one or two older big names and fill out the rest of the cast with foreign non-union actors.


No good new star actors