Is The Daily Wire+ worth it? It's trying to become a non-woke Disney but it sounds very whiny and cringe

Is The Daily Wire+ worth it? It's trying to become a non-woke Disney but it sounds very whiny and cringe.

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>nigress in my kino

do chuds really?

not a woke fag but Ben Shapiro just reiterates common sense talking points. tried listening several times but it's just outrage headlines, read Hoppe or something

It’s not for you, it exists so leftyfags can go

>two pajeets
>full-on Israeli Jew
>black woman
>self-hating gay crossdresser

How did a right-wing media organisation put together the most diverse team in media history?

>Then were going to Israel

Fucking dropped

the tranny seethe documentary was alright but the rhetoric of these types is so fucking boring
>wot if liberals were the REAL racists
No, *I* am the real racist.

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You mean the documentary where a guy that looks like the world’s biggest faggot made posters of himself wearing a dress to pwn the trannies? By legitimizing their arguments?

No, American conservatives are creatively bankrupt.

Don't worry, user, once the Daily Wire becomes mainstream, then will come the time for a fascist, white nationalist media company to come along.

Little Benni Shaphebo is laying the groundwork for his own destruction.

And europoor conservatives are basically californians five years ago.

because they're all larpers trying to keep the alt-right as zionist as possible

Of fucking course Jordan Peterson joins the latest paid subscription grift.

He has tried to launch his own paid twitter clone before too, like $20 a month. The man is shameless.

I'm a right wing reactionary but Jordan Peterson is just a lolcow. He's an incredibly boring speaker/writer, he got addicted to benzos and nearly killed himself before going on a magical mystery tour of every hospital in eastern Europe, and his daughter is this Svengali whore who hangs around with a quadroon pimp like Andrew Tate

>a guy that looks like the world's biggest faggot

What is it about Matt Walsh that makes me so damn sure he is fucking dudes in secret?

Might as well take what you can get since this is as close as right wing views are going to get when it comes to being mainstream. They can’t push Any Forums or Any Forums talking points without alienating normal people and destroying themselves

>gets banned from twitter on purpose to get clicks
>oh hey it just so happens I have a new show coming, Sub to the daily wire!
Every fucking time. How do people not see this shit

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The people who rail against trannies the most really do have some kind of weird complex about it.

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maybe you're gay for him