Why didn't they just report him to HR for abuse and workplace harassment?

Why didn't they just report him to HR for abuse and workplace harassment?

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Imagine letting another man speak to you that way. Mutt boomers were so fucking cucked.

Back then they were proud of being abused. Their parents were the same way, insulted them and beat their ass over nothing

Abuse? Harassment? How?

it's dey culcha

I wish this motherfucker would try this shit with me. I'd nail him in a second, no hesitation. He'd be on the floor before he finished his sentence. Sometimes I just walk down the street with my car keys in between my fingers just waiting for a bigmouth to start talking crap. I don't stand for it and never will. One day a dude will cross me and regret for the rest of his life.

He belittled them, insulted them, physically laid his hands on an employee's throat. They could have sued him there and then.

lol you limpdick, thinking military instruction + actual discipline = """harassment"""
Whiny little bitch.

>He belittled them, insulted them, physically laid his hands on an employee's throat
Yes, retard. That's standard military protocol: tear you down so you can build yourself back up again, stronger than before. If you can't handle that, go fuck yourself.

Would a drill Sergeant get away with hitting someone like that in real life?


I'd drop that faggot like a bad habit if he yelled at me like that and put his hands on me.

Only reasonable post ITT.

>letting yourself get strangled by another man
Sounds a little homosexual.

Lol you'd be be getting fucked in the ass by the whole platoon because youre fem looking pussy who gets hard when people talk down to him

of course everything sounds homosexual to a closeted new age faggot

So how does the millitary compare nowadays?
Can you get a superior officer cancelled if you claim he's a homophobe?

not anymore, back then it was completely ok, but I think in the 80s or 90s they completely banned corporal punishment like that

lol yo retard you are there to become a killing machine and get shot at by people with guns.
If you cant take being yelled at, how you gonna survive in the field with actual live fire, very little sleep, 100+ degree heat and humidity, pain and discomfort ,shitty food etc. for months on end?
One of the reasons for basic training is to cull the weak from the herd, and you just announced to the world you are as weak as they come.
Thanks for the heads up.
But good potential copy-pasta material.

Did you... actually watch the movie?

fuck no, id rather let sarge scream at me that snitching to faggot HR.

I mentioned something that happened to me once (nothing serious) to another private and he was like "you should have reported it!". Reporting anything in the military will just make your life worse.
If you complain to anyone in the military you may as well just leave.

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