The African-American community has spoken. #RecastTChalla

The African-American community has spoken. #RecastTChalla

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who cares what @corn has to say lol

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Why did Chadwick Boseman refuse treatment? I'm sure Disney would've rounded up all the best 1% doctors to protect their billion dollar IP.

It's time to T'Chad because it hit diff black bros it just does

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ass cancer too embarrassing

My dad had ass/colon cancer. Chemo was hard for him but he came out of it relatively well. They briefly had to disconnect his colon and he had a colostomy bag during it, but he didn't need it after the surgery. They used a robot and made four really precise incisions into his abdomen and cut up the remaining cancer really cleanly. He pretty much shits normally, though he has a bit of IBS and gets diarrhea a lot more. Still totally continent though, Chadwick was an idiot.

same reason TotalBiscuit was shitting blood for a year before he saw a doctor. it's not "manly" to get a prostate check

How did he get it
asking for a friend

If he's suffering IBS and diarrhea get him fermented foods like live sauerkraut, live culture yogurt, kimchi, kefir etc to rebuild his gut bacteria. Probably got wiped out by antibiotics during the surgery.

>Cancer? That's insane.

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100% agree with this. I liked T'Challa because he was a morally upstanding and heroic dude, not because of the actor. Just pick a good one and the character can live on just fine.

the down low

His biggest theory is just cured meats. I remember him ranting while he was on chemo about how back when he was a kid they ate tons of salami and nobody acted like it was a big deal. That said I have another theory that it had to do with the water he drank. Both the water in his hometown and where we live now have obscene levels of nitrates. Now we all drink filtered or bottled, but there was plenty of time for him to accumulate nitrates.

The akira guy has a big fuckin point about the Blacks vs Mexicans thing
The whole movie has Disney conditioning gang violence vibes.

>Black vs Mexican war

I honestly figured they would have some kind of CGIfest intro in the new movie showing him fighting warlords in africa or some shit and then getting ambushed and rekt by whoever the new movie villain is. kinda weird that he just gets the fuckin flu and dies. doesn't that vibranium laced weed he smokes for his powers make him immune to disease? how does this make sense.

>Killingmonger goads T'Challa while they wait for the train, causing Pantherman to freak out and start whaling on him
Can somebody explain what Black Panther's character even was?

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Appreciate the sentiment but nah, doctors said it was a physical issue due to him missing part of his colon now. Weirdly enough, they actually suggested processed foods, like actually telling him that shitty mcdonalds burgers would help him shit more normal than fresh vegetables and stuff like that. I've told him he should probably get a second opinion on that, but he took their advice to heart and it seems to be working out for him. He's definitely figured out how to condition his body to make sure he won't have the shits at a major event or something. I'm really proud of him, he sprang back from a really tough process.

Maybe he's talking about Mexican bangers taking over Compton or something.

>Can't re-cast Black Panther
>Here's your new Blade
This is OK because Wesley didn't die?

Namor is a Mexican and he and the Atlantis are the villains in BP 2

>how does this make sense.
Bro it's Disney capeshit, don't ask questions.

The heart-shaped herb, which Killmonger burned because he was a total moron, puts you in peak physical condition.

Atlanteans are antagonists in the movie. The Atlanteans are being reimagined as Mexicans because of course they are. Twitter user there is pointing out how this can be compared to Black vs Latino gang violence in america (where the Mexicans are particularly ruthless as I’m sure you know), and saying it makes him uninterested in the film because he/the black community liked Black Panther because it was uplifting escapism without subtext of brutal gang mutilations

If they the writers wanted a justification why T'Challa looked different, just explain he had to get facial reconstruction surgery after a battle injury.

nta but I'm glad to hear he's doing well
>would help him shit more normal than fresh vegetables and stuff like that.
Don't knock it man, it seemed to work out for him. My mom has Crohn's and what affects her can be wacky. First thing that comes to mind is bell peppers - red and yellow are fine. Green though? One or two bites and she's miserable

Wait, Wesley Snipes is still alive?

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