What are some cartoons only you seem to remember?

What are some cartoons only you seem to remember?

No one fucking remember Cramp Twins but it was probably my 2nd favorite cartoon after Ed, Edd n Eddy on CN.

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I dont know how popular it was in the US, but Ruby Gloom (featuring the voice acting talent of beloved Canadian television and film actress Sarah Gadon as Ruby).

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I remember mentioning this show once in school and no one knew what I was talking about

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I remember Cramp Twins. Always made me uncomfortable for some reason.

false everyone remembers this
thats more esoteric, take a look on the bright side of the dark side
but ruby was massive in emo shitty fake mall goth culture when it was out so its always been a weird staple like emily the strange

Same, something seemed very off.

Nearly every character is mean and unpleasant (even the family).

I remember, really did not like it.
I remember, one of those shows that's brutally average with a few really good gags here and there

>it was probably my 2nd favorite cartoon after Ed, Edd n Eddy
Really nigga? I do remember Cramp Twins - I hated it and later tolerated it more. The whole show is very crude and also kind of disgusting in many ways.
Still better than modern CN but it's somewhere at the bottom for sure.

Sarah Gadon also was the first voice actress for Jodie (the black girl).

I have never seen this but I want to have sex with that character

Nah, I remember that one episode where everyone at a party gets their clothes shredded and had to walk around in their underwear. Had to look it up there to see if I wasn't imagining it


>Official Cramp Twins channel
What did they mean by this?

Im trying to remember some older shows that dont get talked about often
>Time Squad
>Spaced Out
>Top Cat
>Sheep in the Big City
>Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
>Life and Times of Juniper Lee

The Bots Master was the earliest tv series I remember considering my favorite, but hardly anyone remembers it today.

The main character's name is Ziv Zoolander, so years later when that stupid Ben Stiller movie came out and I heard the title I first thought they'd made a Bots Master movie.

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>every robot can talk
>except main character robot

We always got American cartoons years later in my country but I remember this very fondly even though it was just niche here and not many people would remember it. Maybe it was more popular in the US

Highly recommend checking this one out. Absolute kino 10/10

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What's the name of that animated show that focused on two girls, one happy and one kinda mean? It was basically just shorts, and I don't believe anyone spoke. Maybe the girls were Ninjas or something kinda Asian?

Holy fuck, I remember watching this shit. After seeing the image that you posted. It is kind of coming back to me. It's like the image unlocked a part of my brain that had forgotten the show. This feels fucking weird and kind of mind blowing.

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I remember this. It was fucking bad

why tf did one brother hang out in a swamp with a midget? or am i misremembering?

I remember this. Watched it all the time as a kid.

Saw it, it's boring. Might as well have been live-action.

>girl in nazi suit chocking you in armlock
haha just imagine that in real life oh no hahahaha