Watching a docu on DB Cooper on Netflix

...Some cuck goes off on an tangent about " air stewardesses being fetishized during the era" Why does everything Netflix puts out feels like they always have to preach and have an agenda? It's irritating.

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? they're still fetishized today

>Why does everything Netflix puts out feels like they always have to preach and have an agenda?
>It's irritating.
Don't give money to the jews, will they stop from making new propaganda? Of course no, but at least you can have a better live

The only thing worse than these libtards are the conspiracy nuts.

Your life, your choice, now get the second buster

lol yes i remember reading about it when i was like 12 and i saw a documentry on tv like a month ago about him and then netflix released a doc about him like a week ago
pretty sure they found the guy but hes dead

>watching pozzed Netflix (probably pays too)
>has the audacity to call someone a cuck

on my neighbors account fyi

Oh user....

There's no fucking way he died from the jump, how did that become the consensus.

They found money they traced to the robbery scattered through the woods in a river and none of it was ever used for any purchases so lots of people think he died at some point from or after the jump.

db cooper was in fox river state penitentiary and died trying to escape

In the Woodstock 99 doc there's some affected type whining because the mostly white audience was singing along the refrain of some rapper's song bc it included the word nigga. Stopped watching right there

>Why does everything Netflix puts out feels like they always have to preach and have an agenda? It's irritating.
It is propaganda. Obama is on the board of programming. It's like what goebbels did with the German media. Edward bernays nephew cofounded netflix.

toxic wokism is in everything now the people who make this stuff cant resist clucking about outdated views or the inferiority of past people since they think they are superior. I was watching a Documentary on PBS about artificial limbs and right in the middle of it some black woman pops up bloviating about how "racism meant people of color didn't have access to healthcare" which had nothing to do with anything in the doc.

Ngl Cooper was alpha as fuck

Because women love listening how very opressed they are and they love docs about criminals

The HBO doc was even worse. They spend half the runtime on the theory that DB Cooper was a tranny.

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I want to fetishise picrel's smelly nyloned feet if you know what I mean

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i flew for the first time last month. all the flight attendants were tall and beautiful and high heels with pantyhose and there's no good flight attendant porn.

You need no qualifications to be on a documentary. I was watching one about Ancient Rome and Spike Lee was there as if he knows anything about Romans.

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As they should be.

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