James Cameron Response to Avatar Haters

Any Forums btfo

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I seriously can't remember any of the characters names though...

Why does he come across as extremely based

>old hack seethes at the cloud

Damn this dude is still seething over a jacksfilms bit from 3 years ago

Based Jimbo gonna remind zoomies why he's the god of cinema

No one rewatches avatar. He’s making shit up to create publicity for the sequel and pretend that Avatar is fresh in everyone’s minds and talked about daily. He’s scared of the sequel flopping

I mean its James Cameron for freaking crying out loud, I allocate a portion of my monthly wages to the ‘Avatar fund’ I’ve created, the sum total of which will go towards seeing all sequels in the best possible theater, purchasing physical and digital media when they are released, a yearly visit to the Disney Avatar attraction during downtime between the sequels and donations to my three favourite camgirls to give a daily shout out to each and every Avatar sequel the first two weeks they are showing, with a bonus tip if they wear blue make-up while they do so

worth it

Didn't see the first
Won't see the second
Won't see the third

based Jim

>still listening to cameron after this

hack piece of shit

I rewatched it without sound, but fast fowarded to just the parts with the mech.

Wish I had one.

does he know corporate america use sawubona to promote good office culture? every wagie fucking hates this movie now

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Saw the first
Might see the second
Might see the third


>movie is an undisputed success, becomes highest grossing movie of all time for a decade
>still think about "haters"

He sounds bitter and angry just like Ridley Scott, another washed up old fart.

Wow, he'll shill anything for a dollar.

At least Ridley made some good films.

Avatar was just a big budget FernGully but without the singing.

Ridley is the Master of Sci-fi Cinema. Watch your tongue you filthy dog.

>He’s scared of the sequel flopping
He doesn't give a fuck. Avatar 2 and 3 are already almost done in post-process, with 4 and 5 halfway through filming. The success of the 2nd movie doesn't matter at all.


What did Cameron mean by this?

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ridley scott and james cameron have each made a few good films
several decades ago
t. sci fi babby

I only saw it once and I won't see the sequels. Stay cucked Cameron