Do you prefer Alien or Aliens, Any Forums?

Do you prefer Alien or Aliens, Any Forums?

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why cant I like both?

I only like Alien 3, the theatrical cut not the bloated Assembly cut. Everything else is a giant waste of time.

Aliens, I like the action. Newt a cute

>Do you prefer reddit or reddit

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Alien more beautiful, Aliens more fun.

Alien 3 for artsy makes you think moments and unrealized potential.

All that work in the first movie and they killed the guy the loli and even the cat off

>Do you prefer the unique, smart horror masterpiece featuring an intelligent predator and actual characters
>or the pretty decent action flick full of stereotypes and a dumbed down bug-like cannon fodder monster?

gee I wonder

Aliens just gets sillier with each rewatch, its all PEW PEW PEW and Ripley magically turns into Rambo


I prefer eggs

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Aliens because otherwise my favorite game wouldn't be made

Go sit with the cartoonist who draws a blue bear and kill yourself.

>the cat
the cat died of old age back on Earth

>Character named Newt
>Is cewt

Bravo Cameron


Alien 3 because I'm a misanthrope.

>Do you prefer reddit or reddit
Kill yourself. I'm serious.


Alien 3.

They mostly come at night, mostly.

Newt and the cat die in the next movie that takes place on the Prison Planet. They get smashed into pieces inside their escape hatch

Newt gives Aliens an emotional core that Alien doesn't have.

Aliens because it's what made me go from liking to loving the films. Alien was cool and it's definitely one of the greatest sci-fi horror films to date but to say Aliens doesn't have more to do with generating the fanbase is stupid. Aliens proved that a sequel can outdo the original and it did it well before even films like T2 or Top Gun Maverick. Any Forums always holds Alien in higher regard and I get it but still Aliens is kino at it's finest and plays a heavy hand in the lore.

the cat isn't there, it's newt and hicks

>Saurons second in command
>uhhhh I'll call him Sauronman
>His base of operations
>He uses orcs a lot so uhhhhh I'll call it Orctank!

Fucking bravo Tolkien

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The cat didn't come with them in Aliens, it stayed behind in her apartment wherever she was living before the mission to go back to LV-426. And Newt didn't get smashed up, Hicks did but Newt was intact and there's a scene in Alien 3 where Ripley checks her body for signs of infection.