This is the best movie about easily the greatest president in our lifetimes

This is the best movie about easily the greatest president in our lifetimes.

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based neocon puppet

>oliver stone made this while bush was still in office

lol what a fucking retard.

Terrible movie. Sophomoric, at best. Vice was terrible as well.

It's crazy how they didn't actually make him look that bad in the movie. I liked him even more after watching it desu.

wow sounds like cheney really makes you seethe
it's because dubya was based, he had a really top notch presidency / administration

>the greatest president in our lifetimes
Bush was easily one of the worst if not the worst simply due to Iraq and the NSA. If we're talking the last 50 years the best of the crop was probably Gerald Ford specifically because he didn't really do anything to damage America's fabric other then appointing John Stevens to the SCOTUS.
Also that's like comparing different types of animal shit. They're all still shit.

I haven't looked into it but I assume bush did some big pro-mass immigration bill that was never talked about right?

shut up bitch name a better time in your life than 2000-2008
you can thank george w. bush and by extension god for that

His only mistake is he stopped at 2 planes
he should've flown a plane into every builing in NYC

9/11 happened exactly the way they told us. That's the final redpill

Your bait sucks. Bush began the surveillance state in 2001 and fucked the world up with Obama, Trump and Biden continuing the decline. Just because it didn't feel like shit then doesn't mean it was good you fucking boomer.

Bush was the worst president in US history until Joe outdid him

just putting the country to war in service of israel. but somehow churchill doing it is overlooked

he "began the surveillance state" because brainwashed terrorists from the middle east attacked America. Funny how you left that part out

The story is bad, but I thought most of the performances were pretty good especially the supporting cast. Vice was god awful, everything wrong with The Big Short but turned up to 11

High order kino
That’s what makes it great

just join the debate club at your school faggot.

There's not enough Oliver Stone presidential kino on this board. What about JFK and Nixon?

>the greatest president in our lifetimes.
That's not Donald Trump though.

he has a whole documentary series where he sits down for interviews with America's enemies (chavez, castro, putin)

Post-9/11 is generally considered a downturn in the prosperity of the west, you stupid zoomer faggot.

Really? I'll check it out. I watched JFK Revisited recently

His son literally works in the service of Russian anti-American propaganda. What a douchebag.

First term Dubya was alright and still felt a bit like the 90’s, second term was absolute trash and the end of it was the beginning of my demoralization.

07-08 was when it all went to shit and you can thank George W Bush aka the braindead kike puppet for that.

Is Nixon worth a watch? I like this scene:

America is the most evil shithole empire in the history of the world, and it's not even close.

Stay mad faggot

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Based retard

Absolutely. It's a commitment to get through the director's cut but worth it

Said Slavic shit.