What movies would you show her?

What movies would you show her?

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she's right

batman is a horror movie

just like king kong is



jurassic park

schindler list

all harrar films

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a serbian film

Pride and Prejudice


My Dinner With Andre

Anal Cum Sluts XII

anons, i like this type of woman, how do I get myself a traditional wife like this

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the first 6 minutes of the dark knight rises

Midnight In Paris, I think she'd enjoy it. Unless time travel is a sin.

City of god

No idea, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Become a traditional man.

The Batman
And Batman
And Batman Returns
And Batman and Robin
And Batman Forever
And Batman Begins
And The Dark Knight
And The Dark Knight Rises
And Batman v Superman The Ultimate Cut
And Zack Snyder's Justice League

see if an amish/mennonite community will take you in. but you have to give up tv, vidya, and whatever the fuck else they think is haram. you will farm all day and come home and read the bible, maybe a select other few books.

Step 1: be white
Step 2: be religious
Step 3: be her religion
Step 4: be able to eat endless amounts of shit from her family
Step 5: be happy with no sex until your wedding night
Step 6: be happy with only vanilla sex begrudgingly for the rest of your marriage
Step 7: completely support her while she hangs out at home doing nothing much
Fuck all that noise.

Daisy's destruction

enjoy hell, sodomite

I wish I could find everyone involved with that shit and cleanse them from the earth.

sorce? i tried googooing "amish colby" but no luck

tropic thunder

>you will farm all day
>come home to lovely wife and read the bible
sounds pretty comfy

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Only after I actually enjoy earth magatard.

top 10 movies about gypsies

you dont

>says the guy who watches tv/movies and posts on Any Forums all day.

Spoken like someone who’s never farmed a minute of their life. Animals and growing shit fucking sucks donkey balls.

I would work every day if I meant coming home to a loving wife.

Yeah until you try it out. You wouldn't last a week.

enjoy wallowing in filth

She cute

Probably some of Greg Lanskys best work.
Then try to get her a role in his cinematic universe cus I know she’d be dying to try it after watching it.

Nah, you’d get sick of her in 6 months. Girls like this have no personality to speak of. Basic fucking homebodies who only talk about church and sewing things, I grew up in that environment and it was the absolute worst. Imagine having to think of your dad as an infallible high priest of your fucking religion.

She's a professional thot. It's an act.

It’s dirty but honest and rewarding work. Chickens are bros and you can slap pigs on the ass.

I absolutely do/will. Sex and drugs for the rest of whatever time I have left. Heaven on earth friend.

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keep telling yourself that. who are you trying to convince?

Anyone have a link to more of her? I'm positively charmed

Chickens are most certainly not bros, pieces of shit with wings, my favorite part of the life of every single I had to take care of as a kid was when I got to chop their heads off and pluck them then eat them.

They look like they're Mennonites who only dress like they're from the 19th Century while still enjoying modern amenities like the microwave and stove. Amish won't have those at all.

Nobody, because I don’t have to. I had a threesome last weekend after snorting molly off of a strangers tits. It was great.

>Spoken like someone who’s never farmed a minute of their life
yep you just did

the one of my dick getting a sperm cell to swim its way into an egg that embeds a fetus on her uterine lining until such time i can guzzle her breast milk for the rest of my days...if you know what i mean

Lol did you really just give me a
>no u
How embarrassing for you.

If you were just farming enough for yourself I think it would be very tolerable. If you were doing it on a commercial scale it would be fucking awful.

user I'm 100% sure you're just a sociopath. My worked on a farm until she was 50 and now does small yard projects involving chickens and she loves them to death.

Not all of us are sociopaths, user

was it great, though? the party will end some day, then where will you be?

I don’t, tell me more.