Best Antarctica movie?

best Antarctica movie?

Attached: Antarctica-Blue-Marble.jpg (2500x2500, 850.64K)

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I mean, it's not even a debate.

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>it's a cucked media drone shits on the The Thing episode

Attached: thing critics.png (1320x1000, 1.65M)

Encounters at the End of the World
The Great White Silence
Frozen Planet

you are the drone here
someone asked what is the best antarctica movie and of course second post is the thing because as if anyone here knows any other movie and your turbo reply not even a minute later lmao

A new world record for seethe.


you probably thought that you were being incredibly smart and original by pointing out the thing when asked what is best antarctica movie

Definitely not this

>entire point of the post is that its so self-evident that only worthless faggots don't immediately know the answer

What goes on down there?

1st X Files movie had some pretty good Antarctica stuff


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imagine thinking the ice wall is an actual continent lmao

This was shot there by a bored crew stationed there.

I think the killer's mask was a CPR dummy's modified face.

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why the fuck is there a pyramid there and what looks like some kind of ancient alien space craft

elder things bros...its our time

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God I wish there was more Antarctica horror Kino. What's that one show with that artic bear ghost monster? Is it any good?

Movies critics have always been trash, huh?

>Best Antarctica movie?
When you're casually browsing Google Earth, zooming in on islands and mountains, then get curious about the poles and you realize the sat photos are censored.

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user, I've looked into this before, they're not censored. It's incomplete data because sat companies have no reason to capture high res imagery of most of Antarctica, which results in a lot of blurring and artifacting. I went through older imagery of the blurred regions (you can do this on Google earth pro) and you can find versions from 6 years ago; there's nothing there.

Really tranquil movie, I love its documentary-like parts and the soundtrack as well.

Attached: antarctica.jpg (1000x660, 45.17K)