Fantasy series

>fantasy series
>english is called "the common tongue"
>money is gold coins
>technology hasn't progressed in centuries

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>woman character gets mentioned
>"The female?"

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>>technology hasn't progressed in centuries
This is the biggest one. It only took ~200 years for Europe to go from learning about gunpowder to guns replacing bows.

Kenny Omega is a cringe faggot.

>lord of the realm has an announcement
>"fuck e-drones"

>english is called "the king's tongue"
>money is minted coins the peasantry calls "crowns"

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Yeah but also maille was basically the best armour technology for 1000 years.

So it's specific to the technology.
But essentially you're correct, fantasy stories try to make everything like history but more epic. So instead of 100 knights it's 10,000 knights and instead of the dark ages lasting 500 years they last 5000 years.

>>technology hasn't progressed in centuries
It's actually regressed. The fallen ancient empires were always more advanced than the current setting.

"Crowns" does sound pretty good tho

How would you handle fictional currency

I wouldn't. I only write what I know to avoid immersion breaking inaccuracies.

Give it a name that has some etymology to it in the same fictional world.
Have more than one currency.

they didn't have money until like 1800. everything before that was basically barter despite whatever your schizo school book told you about ancient roman banks

like normal currency because I would only write low fantasy

user, you are wrong.

I read an interesting book, 13th century english villages had basically 0 currency but everything was valued by its monetary value in court and every day life even if the actual exchange was off produce, land, a cow or some shit

What if gunpowder doesnt exist in that world? Have you thought of that huh?

Well, in the Forgotten Realms, wizards hunt down and kill people who make gunpowder. Only technology they approve of is allowed...or you die. The Gods also decided to cause gunpowder to be inert after someone did finally manage to overthrow the wizard cabal.

The gold coins really piss me off. Do you know how minute a gold coin would have to be to be useful for day to day transactions? The smallest gold coin issued in Medieval England was worth 20 pennies, and the penny itself would be divided into halfpennies and farthings. So there was a practical need for coinage 1/80th the value of the smallest gold coin for actual day to day life. People in fantasy settings trade big purses and sacks of gold that would have funded a pilgrimage to the holy land or bought a farm in the real middle ages for a new set of clothes or whatever. Making actual big purchases would require transporting hugely heavy amounts of gold with such a system.

Take the old English coinage and rename it to your liking.

>fantasy series
>technology hasn't progressed in centuries
>it's because if you do progress in technology, the gods declare a holy war on your state and genocide all of your people
>when you "die", they read through all of your thoughts for anti-establishment sentiments and if you have any, they demote you to a lower life form. Otherwise if you're a good goy, you might upgrade your station from servant to stable-boy, and a hundred years later, to a freely employed man or a sailor, etc.
and it's produced by indians (or zsnyder)

It's usually silver and copper as well not just gold.

That isn't interesting at all

>woman character gets mentioned in modern day hood or barrio setting
>"the female?"

Wtf, how did they invent gunpowder before guns.

>look sire, I've invented gunpowder.
>amazing, what do we do with it?
>well, we have to wait for guns to be invented next
>what are guns?
>i have no idea

Pic related for nobility or some magical equivalent. Moving gold is for final settlement of debts.

Most day to day transactions use silver at a fixed ratio to gold and more base metal for even more minute values.

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I seriously hope you're joking. I haven't heard anything this stupid since my parents forced me to go to church