I almost forgot about those African nobles in 15th century England. Thank you HBO!

I almost forgot about those African nobles in 15th century England. Thank you HBO!

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das rite

Why do normies get so angry when you are critical of this?

The show doesn't take place in 15th century England. But you knew that, didn't you false flagger?

It's fantasy based on medieval Europe though. They take Europe, then add fantastical elements like magic/dragons/whatever to it, but for that kind of fantasy to work, it still has to be grounded in the reality of the time-frame they're adapting to fantasy. And one of the defining characteristics of medieval societies is that they were homogeneous, and there's dozens of reasons as to why this was so. And they applied to Europe, Asia, Africa and beyond.

There were black kings

Which part of the show is based on Europe? George RR Martin isn't even European.

It's even worse in this case. Valyrians interbred with one another and even their own family members to keep the bloodline pure. It wasn't until the Targs conquered Westeros that this changed, and even then they still preferred their own kind most of the time.

So if you had one Valyrian house that were, for some reason black, then over time the thousands of years they've been fucking each other, the remaining Valyrians would all become mutts as they mixed. You absolutely wouldn't have some who were black-as-pitch nigs and others who were white as snow, it makes no fucking sense at all

Someone must have been cucked.

House of the Dragons? More like:

Who the Fuck Cares?

The fuck? Have you read the books or watched the show? Or ever consumed fantasy in general? Pretty much all fantasy takes Europe from 500AD-1700AD and just adds magic and elves and shit? Even the fucking Westerosi land mass is just Ireland and England resized and stop atop one another.

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>just Ireland and England resized and stop atop one another.
holy shit haha, what a fuckin hack

After Dance, from what I remember, was the first time the Valyrians actually tried to breed with outsiders because they were fucking killing each other and had no-one to marry to. So I don't know how they came up with the idea of a nigger Valyrian. At least pick some other Westerosi noblemen, not a fucking Valyrian. Besides Corlys being a nigger kinda fucks up the entire start of the conflict, so... I don't know how they're gonna spin that one, but they're certainly going to do their "best"

oh yes, the medieval europe known for its deserts, nomadic tribes and exoitc harems

You're contributing to white genocide by being here posting about this right now. Your home and culture are being erased and all you can do is whine about a knockoff product that was always obviously going to be garbage. I saw an indian dude who clearly had some white collar job walking around with a 7/10 white chick today and he's fucking displacing you because you're here posting right now.

George himself has repeatedly said that England was his inspiration. Yes it's a mesh of various European kingdoms and biomes. Yes I know it's not 15th century England. The point is it is out of place.

Yes, because conflict with Muslims and the crusades were also a defining aspect of the period. That's also why fantasy usually has the deserty-nomady-totally-not-muslim races, it's a common trope.
Also, fuck you're stupid, don't reply to me again you retarded faggot.

desu that is how I imagine half of spain during the middle ages

Yep, Dorne is basically Umayyad Spain.

Vale is based on Germany (through different eras), Dorne is based on Andalusia and the Moors.

He literally said that he based ASOIAF on the War of the Roses.

I'm not white and I don't even live in the west, doesn't mean I don't appreciate their cultures, history and myths all the same.

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They've been doing this for a while, they love to pass black actors off as moors.

show is shit, you're gay and retarded, and the only real reason you're mad is because you're seeing non-white people on screen

Who do you think sold us the slaves?

If people wanted more diversity in Game of Thrones why didn't HBO go back and redo the Dorne storyline and make it a worthwhile watch? Is Game of Thrones untouchable if D&D aren't the showrunners? HBO wanted 3 more seasons. Do writers not exist anymore? Are all of the actors busy with other work?

>I don't know how they're gonna spin that one
They won't spin anything. They won't even acknowledge the difference. Valyrians have always had black houses, and Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
Thing is, you could totally bring blacks into the story in an organic way though, because the fucking Summer Islands exist, and those bastards loved to sail, were famous for it in fact, though they did prefer to keep to their islands for the most part. But bringing them in for whatever reason is still far less egregious than completely disregarding the canon and destroying the setting because the show runners are triggered over white people.

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>says they need more black actors
>cuts all the actual black characters in AGOT
>makes white ones black instead in dance

Literally all they had to do was give Jalabhar and Chataya like 30 seconds of speaking time.

I bet all of these real Westerosi are really offended right now

>mad is because you're seeing non-white people on screen
Substitute non-white for white and what you said is the precise reason they're doing this in the first place, it's fucking hilarious

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