The GOAT of 600lb

>kicked out of a hospital couse the nurses had enough of him
>The Black lady who was super nice to him and bought him TV ended up saying she doesn't belive he can change
>Addicted to meds lies about hurting so he can overdose
>Blackmails his dad over the phone to buy him pizzas
>Calls the police on the black chick when she wants her TV back
>Pulls hair out of his head

Was there anybody more crazy than him?

Attached: My-600-lb-Life-Steven-Assanti-9504-768x427.jpg (768x427, 33.35K)

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Was sad to see that his brother was an idiot as well

Attached: steven-assanti-instagram-1.jpg (696x659, 36.71K)

Christ what is that beard/hair?

His low T do he grows facial hair like a preteen

Peak reality tv. It doesn't get better than this.

that's a man who truly does not give a fuck about anyone or anything
kinda kino

Mcdonalds not even once

He's an average neckbeard redditors, with is bad but still normal compared to crazy Steve.

He's around 25-30, right? That's some rough aging. The teeth loss is due to drugs, I think.

I..uh... okay

he's beyond fucked now

Doesn't have anything to do with aging.
He's just uglymaxxing, which I guess is kinda based.

>and he still got a GF and you didn't

Attached: steven-assanti-and-his-wife.jpg (450x451, 22.23K)

Poor dad. He seemed like a nice guy who cared about his sons. Now, he's got this.

>doesn't have anything to do with aging

What the fucked happened in this guy's life to get to this point?

He seemed legitimately demented on the tv show and this is a whole new level. Nigga needs and exorcist.

Attached: pepe cross.gif (256x256, 2.1M)

he manages to make onlyusemeblade look like the picture of health

Attached: 1j2AA1Q.jpg (1065x1155, 404.09K)

any updates on this guy?
last I checked he was on the verge of losing a foot or something

he's still hanging in there afaik

For me it was that time he invited hispanic gangbangers back to his RV, totally oblivious to the fact that they just wanted to fuck his gf. Then he drunkenly argues with then trying to convince them to leave the trailer.

Where can I watch that?

Such a drunk retard trying to be friends with everybody, doesn't realize he could be putting himself and gf in danger.

I feel better about my life.