Get ready for your BLACKED Game of Thrones

Get ready for your BLACKED Game of Thrones

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Their casual hate of whiteness is really disturbing.

both showrunners are jews btw

>worried about too many white people on the screen
how bout not adapting fantasy stories based on western european history, legends and myth then? why dont you make your own fantasy stories based off of your own cultures? surely there must be other interesting stories to tell? oh thats right its not about telling stories its about niggering everything up.

>what a relief

I will now skip your show.

literally racism to replace white people with blacks like this, unironically actually racists making these shows.
The fat wannabe tolkien guy had a vision for this and then they just blackwash it?

cancel them

Oh no, how dare they put multi colored people in a fantasy show. that's literally white genocide and the reason why I can't have sex!

Not Condal, who said this

John Boyega won

make your own fantasy shows based off of your own cultures. stop shitting up stuff based off of european cultures and myths. no one who is sane wants to see more niggers on screen. the only people advocating for this garbage are a very very vocal minority who thinks its the majority due to their echo chambers.

Nobody is saying that except for the strawman you made up in your troon-addled head. We just hate blacks and don't like seeing them ever. Go take your hormones.

Pozzed from the start. The valiryans are inbred and genetic freaks, not some multicultural house. You either make them all niggers or all finns.

>we greenlit the show, write a treatment, and then decided to add a black family because there are too many whites.
>"we didn't want it to feel like an afterthought, or worse, tokenism."

sorry about you lack of sex, bro.

>it was an afterthought, and worse, tokenism
well done

Cool, wasn't going to watch it anyway

Once again begging the question
What if the role was reversed? If a show runner said verbatim "another bunch of black people on the screen", what would happen? What *should* happen? That clearly wouldn't fly, so why is it okay to say that about Caucasians?

>>oh no, not the blacks in my kinos yet again, oh no
racism is so boring, low iq effort, half wit commentary,

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yeah not watching your awful show sorry

this kind of post is the lowest iq commentary

he just killed his series
nice one, numbnuts

but what he's doing isn't racist, amirite?

Should hopefully be DOA regardless thanks to the sudden destruction of cultural relevance that GoT had when even normies hated the ending.

What do you mean? The showrunner is literally like:
>oh no, not the white people in my kinos yet again, oh no, no. no

it is
it all looks so fake, i can't even stomach it
i can't believe i once considered giing it a chance, before i knew it had darkie undertones, mind