What is a woman?

>What is a woman?

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woman is just a retarded emotional human with a v*gina
males are superior and we should eradicate all women and live in a utopia

Who is this based and redpilled gentleman?

Anyone who answers the question "Are you a woman?" with "Yes."

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this definition?


I look like this and ask this

basic biology

A real pain of my ass

not a nazi, but if you feel the need to reskin a meme to be about the other side because it hurt you to the core you're a pussy.

Where can I buy this shirt?

Womanhood is more than just simple biology

Gender isn't biology.

It's literally linguistics and the dude in the documentary 'concedes' this (then does some weird mental gymnastics).

they kind of are, yeah

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this. so much this

It’s circular logic. You’re saying a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman. Then what are they identifying as?

Well? Can you answer?

Woman is anyone who plays with Barbie dolls and dresses in pink. They should be put on HRT ASAP.

i am a woMAN

You guys ever wonder why simply asking a question infuriates these people?

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True. But being a biological woman is the first step to becoming one

Reminder that the troon movement is just one of many many many plots by the Leftwing Marxist satanic jews to destroy Western civilization so they can create a communist "utopia"

>inb4 muh real communism
Times change, ideologies evolve

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That's right, chud. Science doesn’t care about your warped definition of gender. Trust the science.


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What is a man?

because it shows them that you disagree with their entire world view by simply calling into question the most base level of it

Wtf that crazy bitch was a law professor?

>noooo im actually a woman dont see you see my dress? IM A GIRL NOW I WEAR DRESS U FUCKING NAZI

>libtard troll
Yeah nice nazi you got there

dick and balls

>I'm sri lankan
>our economy has collapsed
>we don't have a government
>we might have a fascist takeover
>but at least we can still tell what a woman js

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didnt the socialists say they were taking over
are there really fascists there

who are you quoting?

>h-he's not a real nazi

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You could say it's a social construct, user.

So if I ask Bubba the construction worker if he's a woman and he says "yes", he's now magically a woman.

The left has truly lost its mind and lives in fairy tale land fucking kek

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Yes. Neither are these

When the Leftwing says "expert" they mean a fellow Leftwing ideologue that wears a lab coat or has a degree for a load of crap because it gives them the arrogance that they are right about everything just because they have a piece of paper chud

Luckily I don't need a piece of paper to know that I am right and call out these NWO fuckers

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XX chromosomes, this was proven in House MD when a literal supermodel with natural vag had XY and was medically a man