This is a better movie than Bladerunner 2049

its biggest flaws are some clunky dialogue, particularly anything where they explain the concept of a "ghost" to the absolute retards in the audience, but this movie has more interesting ideas and is optimistic and imaginative.

Bladerunner 2049 is sitting at an 88% on rotten tomatoes while Ghost in the Shell is at 43%
For comparison, Roger Ebert gave the original Bladerunner 3 stars in 1982.

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kikes mad about whitewashing even though sj is a kike

jews are white

ghost in the fridge


or was it the audience? I only ever remember tumblr retards getting mad about whitewashing
if anything I'd think kikes would be mad about the particularly jewish looking corporate antagonist


it's pretty good but it's one of those movies that it became fashionable to be upset about long before it was out so you'll never get most people to look at it without prejudice. maybe it will be "reevaluated" ten years from now once the retarded nerd rage dies down, like how a lot of people are only now starting to realize that prometheus was in fact excellent.

I think it holds up better if you just remove the entire part where she goes to visit the old asian woman.

Movie was alright. The original anime film is better though

Biggest flaw is that it is half remake of existing anime. But other half is different. So it is mess.

>Yeah but Scarlett is white they should have cast Ching Chang Sally

I was catfished by a fat chick to go see this (i picked the movie though). She left the theatre embarrassingly after 10 mins knowing that I wasn't interested in her at all

It's got not only the "whitewashing" controversy against it, but also pearl clutchers who insist the original anime movie is better and therefore this live action version isn't worth watching.
You mean her mother? That's one of the best scenes in the film. Her acting is tender and heartwrenching.
Did you seriously get filtered because "old Japanese lady speaks in broken English"? Because if so, you're a fucking retard and should stop posting for several days.

It improves on the anime quite a bit.

Not really.

It felt out of place to me. You seemed to cream all over it though so more power to you.

I just watched the 2017 film, and am about to watch the original GitS again to refresh my memory.
If the thread is still up by the time I'm done, I'll tell you exactly why you're wrong.
You can thank me now.

I forced myself to sit through it a short time ago. It's not good. I had no intention of watching it after I saw Scarlett cast as the lead because I knew they would take it in that watered down direction for a wider appeal and I gave up first try after a few minutes. Clearly a lot of money was spent on it but the simplified version of the story we get doesn't do it for me. It's not unwatchable but it doesn't have anywhere near the depth of the original movie. It was all for nothing in the end since they lost money anyway - should have taken off the shackles and did a proper version.

It's just a good scene, one of the best in the film, and I'd rather not know the kind of utter loser exists in the world who could watch a scene like that, where a daughter enslaved and completely transformed by a technocratic corporate empire is reunited with her mother, a mother who recognizes her soul but not her body, hurriedly leaves when the weight of being recognized crashes into her

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Ok? I didn't like the original GITS either, I thought it was mediocre but this movies took the worst parts of the anime.

He is correct. The scene fell flat. There was no emotional resonance. It was empty, like the character stopped by a complete strangers apartment for tea and then left.

Oh please.
Stop with the "ironically pretending not to have a soul" posting.