

Attached: Jupiter-Webb.jpg (420x240, 10.74K)

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"People" ACTUALLY looked at this and went
>"Yeah this seems real"

Its a picture of the infrared spectrum you retard.

Yeah dude planets totally look like that
I'm sure this isn't edited in any way

pretty much everything you have seen from space is artistically derived from math. The data we collect is fucking numbers and guesswork.

you think infrared is real?
>dude wot if there woz light that u cant see
yeah right

>space photos are enough to trigger contrarian incels nowadays

>Dude an audio file is just numbers!! Decompressing it is just heckin guesswork!!

Space is fake as fuck and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

i wonder what that storm is like

Thread theme youtube.com/watch?v=g8XiNKsKyVk

Retard, take a camera, put long shutter speed, point at sky and see the colorful space.

or I can use a viewmaster pointed at the sky and see he-man. You are a dumbfuck consumer of the lie.

I saw Jupiter and Saturn live in real time with a cheap $70 telescope, not to mention the Moon. It's pretty cool, you should give it a try.

Dont be surprised when you go to war at get shot while taking shit in the bush at night.

Attached: thermal_drone_ptz_16.jpg (640x480, 20.9K)

No mater what you do you would not be able to anyone who loves or appreciate you, that's for sure.

its cgi

Did that make sense in your empty head?

>be able to see

Why do fags here think everything is fake? I bet the ones thinking that unironically are mostly Americans too considering they're the most retarded people on the planet

you looked at the cgi projection of the firmament

Yeah, this magic piece of technology can see 'invisible light'. Who are you trying to kid?