Superman truly is the greatest hero...

Superman truly is the greatest hero. The problem is most directors don't know portray what makes him the greatest of heroes.

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Zack Snyder knew

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Good morning sirs

People say Superman is too corny for cynical modern audiences but people loved Captain America who remained a Boy Scout and everyone loves all the iterations of Spider-Man. I don’t mind the whole "he’s outdated" excuse

There's only been one decent portrayal of him and that was nearly 45 years ago.

100 IQ midwits can't understand the difference between Captain America and Superman. Superman is the worst superhero next to Hal Jordan. There is no reason why a country boy with insane god level super powers wouldn't experience culture shock and withdrawal becoming a Metropolis news reporter. This would eventually lead to him becoming more like Bruce Wayne, not Clark Kent. Yet this simple concept is completely lost on Superman fans.

Eat my fucking ass you mouth breathing man-children.

But it has been done before. So clearly there is a way.

Calm down son it’s just a drawing

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>Smallville was 45 years ago

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I'm sorry I scared you, but you are gonna be okay

What an unrelated rant

Isn't the new CW tv show actually good , despite the seeming impossibility of the fact?

They're so obsessed with making an alien from another planet relatable on a human level, when all people want is the power fantasy and spectacle of being an invulnerable god shooting lasers at robots in space

Hey anons. I'm starting a club. Wanna join?

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Kryptonite is not enough of a weakness. He's OP and not relatable. Read Aristotle.

Darkseid stomps the shit out of him without kryptonite as I recall.

You recall incorrectly

Shazam is more OP. Superman has never beaten him in canon.

I'm not really a comics guy. I only do the DCAU but Darkseid seems to be holding his own.

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Cope, Shazam can't even defeat Marvel 's copyright lawyers

It's comics. It varies by edition

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If he’s so great why’d he let his son become a homo?

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Best Superman story is all star Superman and it will never be adapted.

The problem is, Any Forumscksuckers keep coming to this boardand we have to remind them Zack Snyder is king here.

How's that meme helping you cope, pleb?

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Because the comics industry has beem mismanaged to the point of ruin and now it's only a club of like-minded faggots in a endlessly a circle-jerk that doesn't care about quality or sales

He couldn't defeat monkey pox if he didn't experience it

>Snyder is king here

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>There is no reason why a country boy with insane god level super powers wouldn't experience culture shock and withdrawal becoming a Metropolis news reporter
Why would an alien with a brain that's literally a quantum computer experience this. 2/10 for making me reply.