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>it's another Any Forums memes one line ad nauseum and when you finally watch what they are memeing it's the most bland meaningless throwaway line in the whole film episode

2011 was the last good year of my life, bros. I know it was the calm before the storm and shit was about to get serious.. but i want to go back...

enough of these fucking jokes

no you don't get it norm is our heckin father figure he's a chungus

based norm dabbing on these fucking losers and tools

Even AI knew what Norm was like

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KassemG being called an Arab 6 trillion times and not knowing how to react was the funniest shit ever. What the fuck were they thinking asking Norm to do this

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Is this real?

>"I had a show called Nor-"
Why did he hate it so much? Also anyone know the story of the theme song? It sounds abit like his bat-sandwich song

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>Even AI knew what Norm was like

Was he a holocaust denier?

I know this guy for sure was

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>Why did he hate it so much?
>I'm an edgy comedian who tells offensive jokes and I signed a three season contract for a sitcom where I tell super safe, suburban church going housewife, safe comedy jokes
I wonder why?

For me it's always
>nature abhors a vacuum
>Uganda was ruled by Forest Whitaker
>Bob Saget meets Dean Martin
I routinely rewatch these. Or the entire Andy Dick interview.

Wasn't this show incredibly mediocre

Norm dropped way too many references on this. He knew

I read that in his voice. AI needs to be stopped.

In the NML Larry King interview he baits dumbfuck Larry into admitting the *oon Landing is a ridiculous concept. He knew some shit

Could anyone do his semi-fictional biopic justice? Maybe some Cohen brothers-esque absurdist vibe. Not sure anyone could capture his humor though, so might be better to let it be and never try.

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