Will Shang Shi 2 be good

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why he's like this

>asian action actor
>is a r/asianmasculinity poster
This is why multiculturalism fails, every other demographic gets mogged by whites and it creates resentment

Imagine if he wasn't a person of color. Just picture him as a short white ugly man who happens to be a celebrity, like a Jack Black or Zach Galifianakis, and he posts shit like this on twitter. He would be incinerated. This is literally incel-tier posting and we all give him a pass because he's a POC.

Any Forums seethes at him cause he made it in hollywood with zero connection. zero jewish ancestry

just some random asian dude from canada.

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How does he not realise how cringy that makes him come across?

reminds me of the guy who made the colonization man comic.

>he made it

Literal affirmative action hire.

This is the most pathetically embarrassing shit I've read today.
This comes across as not only incredibly insecure, but incredibly jealous and resentful.

>unironically talks like a 12 year redditor

how could women ever pass up on this?

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Simu Liu has one of the most unattractive asian phenotype faces, one of those ones that originated in Northern China somewhere

>person of color
What the fuck does that mean?

He looks Xi Jinping, which is ironic, because mainland chinks were complaining that he looks ugly.

not white

nothing wrong in that post


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I feel like he could bond with Josh Luna

you're actually right, he fucking does
>mainland chinks were complaining that he looks ugly
the vast majority of them are ones to talk

Asian men are so attractive that Simu Li produced Asian Man/White female porn with an Asian fetish angle. He's not insecure.

the character has no appeal whatsoever and Disney is ""banned"" in China, I suppose they could toss him in the Avengers a couple of times, AND you want Iko Uwais or Andrew Koji playing that shit, no the guy from r/asianincels , he is not even close to this

small penis

Technically black isn't a color either

Does he not realize how insecure this makes him look?

Asian males have higher average income than even White males, let alone, Black males

And still, White women date, marry more with Black males.

Shang Chi's romantic interest in the comics are Domino, and Leiko Wu.

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I look like that if I lift my arms up too and I'm a fucking skelly

He thinks being gay is the same as being a pedophile. It’s true look it up. He was also part of an incel Asian subreddit

No way it happens. Domino is too hot and cool for him. Marvel fucked themselves casting such an ugly man. It was a clear shot at China to cast the uggo in a flick where they take pains to come off inoffensively and seem like they're turning the other cheek to the chinese.

even Ned from spiderman got a brief romance with a girl, white girl

He’s /our guy/ literally knows homosexuality is a birth defect the same as pedophelia. Give me one reason to hate this sigma?