What's the greatest villain origin story?

What's the greatest villain origin story?

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Leftists do be like that.

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Doreen doesn't have a dick anymore. Fucking terfs

I'm Asian we're all born with small ducks.

Why do all right wingers look like this?

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Poor Doreen, hast she suffered enough without you evil bigots making fun of her??
Leftoid trannies are humans at the end of the day no matter how insanely stupid and ugly they may be.


Covid was used to rig the election

Most of them have very left wing views.

Why are leftist so delusional

Virginity, weak genes

Aryan master race lol. My family are terrified of another holocaust happening to them like it did our ancestors, but I just show them pictures like this and we all laugh together

Most of those are also Jews.

Does this actually happen IRL?
I have a small dick but no girls have ever commented on it or been rude or made fun of me for it and I've shown my dick to a lot of girls (I often end up stripping when I get wasted, fucked a fair number too).

jokes on you, that shit turns me the fuck on

Jewish phenotype

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Libtards think that's what's happening and you know what babbies are like with their toys.

They aren’t though. Prove it.

>another holocaust
It never happened but a real one is coming and it wont be just the Germans this time

yeah, your fat american ass is going to holocaust the all-you-can-eat buffet

I'm confused. Where's the fat rednecks from all the political cartoons?

not american

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Haha okay chud. While you are out playing soldiers, your mother is at my place slobbering on my fat Jewish cock

It just hit diff

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why are rightwingers so angry all the time?

Some evil, porn-addicted leftoid made this. No healthy person thinks like that.

Nothing has gone their way since 2018

These are mostly just completely normal guys

More important question is why do leftwingers look like Baldurs Gate random character generator avatars.

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That's just how el americano looks like normally outside of hollywood

Lefties are completely unable to process opposing arguments. It sounds like white noise in their ears. So instead they instantly turn to psychoanalyzing their opponents.

if you know History, you'll understand that Syrians were traditionally legalists; they wrote the Roman Imperial laws and later introduced Protestantism.

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No. Mass shootings happens becuse of retarded right wing ideologies. Not because of small dicks. OP is just making a joke