Fuck the backrooms, pic related are the best amateur horror shorts to have come out recently

Fuck the backrooms, pic related are the best amateur horror shorts to have come out recently.

Attached: creatures of the end time.jpg (1280x720, 60.09K)

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looks interesting

that's just Shadow of the Colossus

is that a flying prawn im going insane

the backrooms were good until zoomers autistically added "entities" and "lore" and "levels"
the whole point is the whole thing is the same and it goes on forever and there might or might not be something there but if there is you'll never live to tell anyone about it


dumb coomer

it's a joke

Attached: 1657586360489.gif (128x128, 280.17K)

dumb weab

you're mean

Attached: 1654036440282.jpg (385x390, 29.96K)

They shat up SCP to saturation point so it was inevitable that their shitting would overflow into the next available thing


dumb frogposter

This. I've been trying to put words to it, but what is the zoomer obsession with trying to make things have lore and be creepy? Some of it's pretty good, but the next time I see a game based on "old timey thing but creepy" or have to sit through shit like Slenderman again... Holy fuck

Participatory culture is cancer. Stick with the people who have a modicum of experience like the Kane Pixels

>creatures of the end time has not helped me successfully identify the movie this is from. halp ples

It's on youtube

Found it. the title of the video is Creatures of the Fog which is not the filename. Fuck your stupid riddles. Video wasn't even that good.

>spoonfeed a brainlet
>he seethes instead of saying thank you
Last time I'm helping out the mentally retarded

Monument Mythos is fucking great
The statue of Freedom comes to life and starts murdering people in the capitol building

Attached: FREEDOM10.jpg (250x189, 9.94K)

Sounds based how many politicians does it kill