Still hasn‘t been debunked

Still hasn‘t been debunked

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Not reading that essay, buddy.

Man, I'm not reading that shit. The least you could do is not post a squashed image from an iphone.

This post is embarrassing.

>Unironically expecting anyone to read your blog.

Fucking summer newfaggots I swear

Not an argument

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Can you imagine the irony if it turns out magic is real but he refuses to see it?

It kind of makes sense that Harry wanted to fight for the status quo in the wizzarding world though because the muggle world had treated him absolutely awfully. Well his family did but Harry was a kid so it makes sense he'd want to leave that all behind and fight for the magic world that made him Jesus.

Does anyone have the image of that post from MyPostingCareer breaking down why Harry Potter is so appealing to young liberal women? That's still the best take I've seen but I haven't seen it posted in forever.

>experiences horrible traumatic events throughout his life from day 1
>some of those events were also caused by the corrupt, idiotic leaders of the wizard world
>still decide to become part of said organization
I'm gonna give it to that OP, it's a liberal dream. What really changes after voldemort's death? He's still going to have supporters. Extremists.

Maybe Rowling is really just taking the piss with her fans for this.

Harry Potter like K pop is sexually non threatening. There's never any real inner conflict with Potter. He's not even a impressive wizzard by the standards of that book. He just gets lucky or relies on his friends to bail him out. Then after defeating Voldy he becomes a cop.

Rowling isn't intelligent enough to be that subtle.

Why would anyone be stupid enough to argue on here? You'd have to be a complete dysfunctional retard.

i love the harry potter movies
that and LOTR is my favourite series
you people are mentally ill with your politics

You rang?

I honestly don't get how people can love the Harry Potter movies when they're so lacking in consistency and uniformity. I can understand liking one of the movies, and certainly I like some of them, but liking all of them seems a stretch. The first two are childlike and wondrous, the third is full of realism and drama, the next couple suddenly get serious, and the last few are drab and grey. How can one person love all of these things despite how different in both quality and style they are?

by not being autistic

They are very simple movies to watch. I rewatched the azkaban one after like 10 years a couple of months ago with my gf, and while that used to be my favourite it really wasn't as enjoyable as I remembered. Might rewatch goblet of fire soon to see if it holds up, I liked that one a lot as well back in the day.

well, it's obviously true. You can't debunk it. Game of thrones was the same. They are fighting for the status quo and after they beat the winter monster and daenerys they go back to it. Nothing ever changes. They even had the scene at the king's council table that was a copy of similar scenes in first seasons, literally banging you in the head with a message that nothing ever changes.

He is said to be really good at defense against dark arts, but that is just beecause he has had more experience fighting off dark arts than most

>Words words words

Goblet of fire was where it all went to shit

can you debunk an opinion? it does make sense tho

Agreed, it was the worst movie despite being one of the better books.