Captain America: The First Avenger

Currently forcing myself through this as it was left on a laptop I'm using and don't have anything else to watch right now.

First capetrash I've actually bothered to watch and I just want to say I was completely right about how fucking garbage these trash movies are

How does anyone above the age of 12 unironically enjoy this diarrhoea on screen?

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>above the age of 12
majority of capeshit fans are adults though

the idea of capeshit being for children is outdated. kids don't watch movies nowadays.

>majority of capeshit fans are adults though
which is what I do not understand

Misses the boat on making a Cap and his friends action-war movie. Would have been cool to take influence on The Dirty Dozen or Inglorious Bastards.

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Believe it or not this is one of the better MCU flicks

Special Forces Unit Fox Hound

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>things just go from terrible to worse
I believe it
t. OP

Capeshit are specially designed for Millennials audience, it was also the reason why capeshit filled with endless leddit jokes.
For some reason, gen x and zoomers loves old movies, good for them though.


Berlin is on this map

on what?

Zoomers grew up on capeshit. Millennials just experience the boom. We refer to 2008 while Zoomers refer to 2017

mfw this is called a 'period drama'

american morons fanservice the movie

It was a decent flick even by MCU capeshit standards. Better than 99% of the trash that came out after it, especially those awful Spider-Man movies.

Just turn your brain off goyim

>decent by MCU standards
right, so total garbage

It's bad even for a marvel movie. The only good part was seeing Hayley Atwell's tits for the first time

>It's bad even for a marvel movie.
name 46 better marvel movies then

Captain America was ok as a stand alone retro character, but never integrated well into the avenger universe.
>but the super strong shield!