Was having sex as a 16-year-old in the 90s that unusual that it made this film controversial?

was having sex as a 16-year-old in the 90s that unusual that it made this film controversial?

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it was shocking cause the 80s were very conservative then the 90s happened and the movies were very degenerate. we're talking about the films here btw, not real life.

a 16 year old having sex is obviously not what the movie controversial. he was a retarded pervert who was obsessed with taking virginities and left them with HIV or whatever without giving a single shit

That film was post-modern bullshit.

If you want a real movie about urban life in the 90s and truly troubled kids, see pic related.

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The opening scene is a 16 year old having unprotected sex with a 12 year old girl and giving her aids. After this the boy boasts to his friend that the girl he fucked looked like she had barely started puberty. The age difference and the aids are what made it controversial.

the AIDS part of the plot makes no sense when you consider the almost impossible odds of sexual transmission. it's the gay plague for a reason

The chance of getting aids from unprotected anal sex is also surprisingly low. You could have unprotected anal sex with someone who was HIV positive multiple times and still probably be fine. It was spread by the extremely promiscuous.

No, I think it was more the transmission of AIDS between kids that made it controversial, but hey that's just my opinion

Yea maybe he fucked her up the ass, ever thought about that, genius?

He specifically brings up not using a condom and the risk of getting pregnant. His whole character was his obsession with creampieng virgins.

Like that last scene where Casper has sex with that passed out girl with HIV and it's implied that he's dooming himself due to his degeneracy. Meanwhile the odds of a man getting infected from unprotected hetero sex are like less than 1 in 2000.

The dude had aids and was fucking prepubescent girls. Even then it wasn't controversial. It was "controversial".

Wish the bluray didn't have bastardized colors.

The chance of getting aids from anal sex is about 1/72. Which is more common, but would still make a scene of someone getting aids from anal sex extremely unlikely.

That scene made me who I am today.

I think that's the real reason it was so controversial. Most people don't like finding very taboo things arousing and the scene was shot in such a way that many people would.

mental illness

the guy in the red shirt is he the same one in the shield that plays the drug addict that makes the police caption suck his dick?
they look pretty similar

Larry Clark is a pedophile

Don't know about the shield, I think those guys were mexican. This guy was one of the junkies in the Wire and got AIDS again.

Holy fuck I only just realized it's the same guy

I miss loose fitting clothes, the conformist skinny clothes era gave me pins and needles in my arms/legs