This is the modern equivalent of bleeding kansas

This is the modern equivalent of bleeding kansas

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Anons push to strip AOC and expose her boobies

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Now I am not a politically knowledgeable person, but isn't this what should have been done in the first place? Getting legislators to legislate law regarding abortion rights?

>Big booty Latina pisses and moans over bullshit


start shooting already, faggots

lmao that is what Dobbs did already, that's the opinion

tl;dr of the case that overturned Roe v. Wade
>there's was no recognized right to abortion at the framing of the Constitution nor at the writing of the 14th Amendment, so this isn't our thing to deal with, it's the legislatures job(primarily the states) to deal with, go nuts

Thats not constitutional. It wont go anywhere. This is political theater and a waste of taxpayer dollars

See , this already happened.

this bitch has never accomplished anything
literally nothing

they don't even know how the government works

should happen in about 7ish years
which sucks because i wanted to go on some mod hunting


she cried at that fence once. imagine how stupid the NYC people are that elect her. They pretend "flyovers" are stupid yet they vote for this.

>supreme court says supreme court shouldn't have an opinion on abortion
>leftists screeches that it should which is why it will push to strip its power over abortion
literally, what the fuck is wrong with americans? these are your politicians?

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She thinks its cool to harass justices but believes you are a white supremacist if you speak to her.

>Supreme Court can unilaterally revoke laws because they feel like it
So much for checks and balances.

>file yearly tax forms with the court
>they tell me that's not their job

that's what they did they gave jurisdiction to the states

>literally, what the fuck is wrong with americans?
they stopped teaching civics in school 30 years ago

Republicans 2 weeks ago: Abortion is a states' issue
Republicans now: Introducing bills to curtail abortion rights nationally


>Introducing bills to curtail abortion rights nationally
which will be immediately struck down because
>there's was no recognized right to abortion at the framing of the Constitution nor at the writing of the 14th Amendment, so this isn't our thing to deal with, it's the legislatures job(primarily the states) to deal with, go nuts

democrats don't want to make abortion legal nationwide even though they could because then they couldn't run on it and fund-raise on it anymore

Legal weed bros....


they were right to, it's irrelevant to the functioning of the modern american state, except in these rare cases which hardly impact anyone's lives.

she made my pee pee hard

Had to make sure I was on Any Forums for a minute there

I don't really give a shit about the abortion debate, i just find it crazy how batshit insane women get when they're told they're not allowed to kill babies anyway and have to take personal responsibility

>codify wade
>pass constitutional amendment securing the explicit right to privacy

What did the do nothing democrats expect?

>>Supreme Court can unilaterally revoke laws because they feel like it
no they can't and that's now what they did. you are ignorant

it's what happens when you elect a bartender solely based on the fact that she wasn't a white man. she's literally retarded they were going to give amazon a 5 billion dollar tax break and said they could spend the money on something better

Her fat ginger boyfriend writes all of her tweets and directs all of her strategy. They don't let her do interviews anymore because she can't hack it even as a mouthpiece with a script. She even stopped doing those livestreams because she couldn't get through them without fucking her messaging.

this. actually i'm just happy leftist women will now spend their energy on this issue so they are distracted from ruining society in all they other ways they want to

Interesting I didn't know Marbury v. Madison could be eliminated using a simple act of congress!

Someone should have told these fuckin' nerds when they try to claim themselves as the third co-equal part of our government. DORKS!

this guy looks like shit and she's so hot in a hate-fuck kinda way anyway. fuck this gay earth

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Oh my God Congress creating law?

is mexican ginger couple common

Why do American shit themselves over abortion so often? I feel like it's something they'd whip out to draw attention from some other shit.

Ask Louis CK

it is amazing to me just how many people can't grasp what the supreme court is supposed to do, and what this decision actually does.

What a stupid bitch.
New York should be nuked irl.

>the 14th amendment does not specify privacy
I legitimately didn't realize this, I always thought it did.

Judicial Review is brilliant and the cornerstone of American jurisprudence. SCOTUS knows it can't swing its dick around too much tho.

they loved the supreme court when they legalized fag marriage. what happened?

>is mexican ginger couple common
I used to fuck a Mexican chick obsessed with red heads.

>t. redhead

leftists operate on emotion

Leftists aren't American.

they don't care. they know what's morally good, the supreme court is blocking them from achieving that, so the supreme court is bad.

Uhhh based department?

Nope, an implied right.

Mind your own business

What the fuck does this and the dozen other Any Forums threads you posted have to do with TV and film
Seek help, Any Forums detox. Find a beach or something man.

How is this not insurrection, equivalent to what Lincoln did?

she not hot enough that it would be worth it to listen to her bullshit

if you actually come here for on topic threads you're a fucking fag holy shit

Yes. The Supreme Court basically said the courts need to stop legislating from the bench and make the legislative job to their fucking job. Of course since Dems are mostly useful idiots that can’t do anything and rely solely on the ninth legislating from the bench they lost their shit and started doing the only thing they know how to do, massively projecting and saying the Supreme Court is legislating from the bench. Same shit with the court banning the two step process just before this, basically

Leftism is a mental disorder

it would be worth it because the hate sex would be insane. imagine her telling you all her bullshit and you just call her a stupid bitch and pin her down and fuck her while calling her a dumb breeding sow

It's more than a feeling user.