Your mom goes to college

Your mom goes to college

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Guys in the army always quoted that line

Guys in the army are known for their cleverness and originality

What did he mean by that? Also why does this movie have like an 80s asthetic but its apprently set in the early 2000s?

That was kind of the thing for millennial movies at the time. Hot Rod had that same feel.

>this made millennials shit their pants laughing

>tfw we have had 2 solid decades of 80s nostalgia trips
Woah i didnt even realize.

Because bumfuck nowhere and hick towns are always literally decades behind trends in cities, it's most noticeable in architecture and fashion, flyover citizens are only sort of up-to-date in mass media (like TV and music)

guys in the army are known for cuckoldry

>What did he mean by that? Also why does this movie have like an 80s asthetic but its apprently set in the early 2000s?
It's because Idaho is about 20 years behind the rest of the country

when you realize this movie is also about the cartel and time travel

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> fags who have never left their shit hole
Yeah I lived in the middle of nowhere Texas panhandle growing up and people did not fucking dress and look like the 80s in the early 2000s.

they quite literally shot on location and used people from the area as extras, it's all exactly how it was when they shot the movie

Yeah im sure they just had local people just fucking show up. They definitely didnt provide them outfits or anything.

>Idaho has scene girls

>Also why does this movie have like an 80s asthetic but its apprently set in the early 2000s?

If I remember correctly, the director was asked when the movie was set and he just said "it's set in Idaho" basically meaning that these small towns are stuck in the past, a weird time bubble.

because it was base

This line was masterfully done. Kips little self satisfied smirk as he delivers one of the most flacid burns in cinema history, how he says it JUST loud enough to be barely heard outside the front door, minimal effort with maximum response. This scene is pure unadulterated kino...

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I quite literally was born and then raised in two towns under 10,000 population, which is still big compared to places like Napoleon Dynamite. You're literally dead fucking wrong lmao

>which is still big
for you

My town had 8000 people in it and was 5 hrs from the nearest big city. But sure im wrong. People who live in small towns dont fucking have tv or access to any sort of media to catch onto trends, especially in the early 2000s.

>rural Texas = rural Idaho
retard thought he had a gotcha