Favourite movies thread

Favourite movies thread

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Based Transformers.

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All of that kino nullifed by bayformers and the soifather, 6/10

transformers 2 is the movie ever made

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what an odd collection

Taxi Driver
Both Blade Runners
Apocalypse Now
Clockwork Orange
Eyes Wide Shut
Blind Chance
Made In Hong Kong
Fallen Angels
Full Metal Jacket
Good Time

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I really wanted to do 9 movies I watched this year but it was only 6 (the others weren't good) and the bottom 3 are just movies I like with LOTR being my 2nd favourite. I didn't see anyone else with my movies except for LOTR. Oh wait... someone actually has Good Time.

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anything marvel

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By far my fav

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The Godfather
Lord of the Rings
Apocalypse Now
Star Wars
A Clockwork Orange
Animal House

name all of these please, especially the third

>Revenge of the Fallen
>not Dark of the Moon

Un Femme est Un Femme
The Fantastic Baron Munchausen
Three Colors: White
Dekalog (the entire thing)
On the Silver Globe
Ruined Heart: Another Lovestory Between a Criminal & a Whore
City Lights

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>The Fantastic Baron Munchausen
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen*
Got it mixed up with the German one for a second there lmao.

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Sweet Smell of Success
The Hit
The Conformist
High & Low
Human Condition
The Innocents
Filth & the Fury

>Stand by me
I actually watched that this year and it was okay. The kids were kind of annoying. I really liked the leader and the protagonist. Their bromance was 10/10.
>i wish to god i was your dad
>Loving Vincent
holy based
I can't believe someone would have that.

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Here's your (you).

Oops replied to user above you

You want to know my list?
Little Women
To Live and Die in LA
Moomins and the comet chase
Boiling Point
The Northman
Good Time
The Lord of the Rings
Master and Commander

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