If 1 guy in riot gear could fight 300 walkers in a melee and win then how did the government lose?

if 1 guy in riot gear could fight 300 walkers in a melee and win then how did the government lose?

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the only zombie apocalypse i could ever take seriously would be crossed (surprisingly) or 28 days later. they do whatever they can to infect you and will RUN

because government is not a person but a tool. cowards run

The only way it makes sense is if during the initial stages the zombie infection has full control over the host, meaning you get sprinters. As time goes on they start breaking down and become shamblers, which is also when the survivors who hid carefully come out.

This would also mean that cases of re-infection later would be incredibly dangerous.

ur mom is a shambler u dumb bitch

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Incompetent diversity hires

Suck shit you flamboyant pussy.

Crossed has got to be one of the greatest comic book series that I almost never hear anyone talk about. There was supposed to be a show made out of it but nothing ever came to fruition. Probably for the better, can you imagine what a woke crossed show would look like ?

>dude rape lmao
in all seriousness though, I read the first volume and it was okay. Does it get better?

There was a korean movie adaptation and some guy skull fucks a cripple in her empty eye socket

You can stop after the first 3 badlands stories. Read all the limited series though they’re gold.

>limited series
like family values and psychopath?

No. It’s a dumpster fire of trash all the way through. Even Alan Moore took a crack at it. He did ok, it was better than some of the others, but trash is just what Crossed is. You like it, or you don’t. Personally, I liked Wish You Were Here and thought it the most satisfying ending for a Crossed series.


Wish You Were Here and the first Crossed comic are worth reading. psychopath is just straight up torture porn

not worth the read because its been decade and they never revealed the origin of crossed vorus

Wish is great if you’re looking for one of those stories where you want to hate the guy it’s about but you can’t help but feel sympathy and almost like you relate to him. Shakey was about as “deep” as Crossed can get.

The government lost because the writer wrote it that way.

world war z

Just by sheer overwhelming numbers combined with the fact that everyone turns even if not bit. Just a slow breakdown of organization, which leads into a circumstance in which the walkers never stop moving, like the terminator. You can run but eventually they catch up and in overwhelming numbers. It's just grinds everything down

In like the month it was said it happened? A small police force of like 20 people in riot gear with knives could kill thousands while being almost invulnerable like Glenn was. The only way slow zombies could take over the world was if it was because of some high elite government conspiracy where they let the zombies take over to shrink the population while they hid and have the lower class people fend for themselves